Outer Core

  • The Outer Core is a hot, fluid layer and the Inner Core is a hot, strong layer.
  • The outer center is about 2250 km thick.
  • This outer center supposedly is in a fluid state.
  • The reason: Given the particular behavior of seismic tremor waves, especially shear body waves or auxiliary waves, there may be such a center in a molten state.
  • Temperatures in the external center are around 4000-5000oC.
  • In the attempt to learn the secrets of Earth’s geology, researchers have discovered the fifth layer of the planet. The earthquake-driven seismic waves

Layers Of The Earth

Layers of Earth: The structure of the Earth or the interior of the Earth comprises four separate layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. People have only explored the outermost layer, the crust, and haven’t gone inside to see the other layers. Over time, with the Earth gradually cooling, geologists posit that the denser materials descended toward the center, while the lighter ones ascended toward the surface. As a result, the outermost layer comprises heavier rocks and granites, while the innermost layer is mostly nickel and iron.

In this article, we will discuss the interior of the Earth and the different layers of the Earth in detail.

Table of Content

  • What are the Layers of the Earth?
  • Crust
  • Mantle
  • Outer Core
  • Inner Core
  • Innermost Core

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What are the Layers of the Earth?

Inside the earth are 3 different layers, including Crust, Mantle, and Core. The outer layer of the earth is the Crust. The mantle is the second layer of our Earth and the center is its deepest layer (the core – is divided into two parts – inner core and outer core)....


The crust of Earth is like the shell of a hard-boiled egg. Compared with what is beneath it, it is very thin, cold, and brittle....


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The innermost layer of the earth is the core. Here are some details about it....

Outer Core

The Outer Core is a hot, fluid layer and the Inner Core is a hot, strong layer. The outer center is about 2250 km thick. This outer center supposedly is in a fluid state. The reason: Given the particular behavior of seismic tremor waves, especially shear body waves or auxiliary waves, there may be such a center in a molten state. Temperatures in the external center are around 4000-5000oC. In the attempt to learn the secrets of Earth’s geology, researchers have discovered the fifth layer of the planet. The earthquake-driven seismic waves...

Inner Core

The inward center is 5150-6370 km from the surface of the earth. It’s mainly iron and nickel with some light constituents, perhaps sulfur, carbon, oxygen, silicon, and potassium. The temperature in the inward center is about 5000-60000oC. Because it’s highly strained, the internal center is strong. This fifth layer is of iron and nickel, the constituents which make up the remainder of the inner core. A team of researchers from the Australian National University gauged the velocities at which these tremors pass through the Earth’s center. It is the presence of iron and nickel that makes the strength of the internal center. The middle of the center is so frightfully hot that the strain is relentless to the point that the liquefying point of iron and nickel gets pushed well past those high temperatures....

Innermost Core

It is the fifth layer of the Earth which is around 2414 km thick. Here are some details....


The Earth is like a big ball with different layers inside. Imagine it’s like an egg – the hard shell is the crust, the white part is the mantle, and the yolk is the core. The crust is like the skin on the egg, it’s thin and covers everything. There are two types of crust: one under the land and another under the oceans. Below the crust, there’s the mantle, which is thicker and kind of like a gooey layer. The core is right at the center, and it has two parts – an outer part that’s liquid and an inner part that’s solid. The core is mostly made of heavy stuff like nickel and iron. Recently, scientists found a super innermost layer within the core, making it five layers in total. It’s like peeling layers off an onion to understand what our Earth is made of....

Layers Of The Earth – FAQs

What Are The 4 Layers Of The Earth?...