Output For Tunnel IP Addresses

Here we difiening to output to display the IP Address of Two tunnels in the VPN connections

output “AWStunnel1IP” {

value = aws_vpn_connection.my_vpn_connection.tunnel1_address


output “AWStunnel2IP” {

value = aws_vpn_connection.my_vpn_connection.tunnel2_address


Now execute terraform commands

terraform init

terraform fmt

terraform validate

terraform plan

terraform apply –auto-approve

When we execute terraform apply –auto-approve, terraform will automatically create our infrastructure according to our terraform script


These are automatically created by using terraform script which was written in .tf file. By using this terraform we can automate easily.

How To Create AWS VPN Using Terraform?

As associations embrace cloud computing for their Infrastructure needs, the secure and effective association between on-premises organizations and cloud assets becomes pivotal. In the domain of cloud-based DevOps, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) fills in as a fundamental component for laying out secure correspondence between various organization conditions. This article investigates the arrangement of an AWS VPN utilizing Terraform, an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, to smooth out the creation and the executives of the VPN infrastructure.

A Virtual Private Network permits associations to stretch out their on-premises organization to the cloud, empowering secure data transfer and correspondence between assets facilitated in an AWS Virtual Cloud (VPC) and those living in an on-premises server farm. Terraform, with its definitive and code-based approach, works with the automation of AWS VPN arrangement, giving a versatile and reliable solution for DevOps specialists.

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The gave Terraform script organizes the production of a secure and versatile organization Infrastructure on AWS. It lays out a Virtual Confidential Cloud (VPC) with two subnets circulated across various accessibility zones, advancing adaptation to internal failure and high accessibility. The consideration of a Web Passage empowers web network for occasions inside the public subnets. Besides, the content coordinates the sending of an AWS VPN Gateway, Customer Gateway, and VPN Association, working with a protected association between the AWS VPC and an on-premises organization....

AWS VPN Using Terraform – FAQ’s

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