Overview of Soil Forming Factors

Five basic factors control the formation of soils:

  1. Parent material
  2. Topography
  3. Climate
  4. Biological activity
  5. Time.

Soil-forming factors act in union and affect the actions of one another:

Soil Forming Factors


Parent Material

Parent material is a passive control factor in soil formation. Parent materials can be any in-situ or on-site weathered rock debris (residual soils) or transported deposits.


Topography like parent materials is another passive control factor. The influence of topography is felt through the amount of exposure of a surface covered by parent materials to sunlight and the amount of surface and sub-surface drainage over and through the parent materials.


The climate is an important active factor in soil formation. Temperature and moisture are the various factors within climate that add up to the formation of soil.

Biological Activity

The vegetative cover and organisms that occupy the parent materials from the beginning and also at later stages help in adding organic matter, moisture retention, and nitrogen to the soil, which helps in improving the fertility of the soil.


Time is the third important controlling factor in soil formation. The length of time the soil-forming processes operate determines the maturation of soils and profile development.

Soil Formation| Class 11 Geography Notes

Soil is a dynamic medium with constant chemical, physical, and biological activities. Soil is a result of decay, it is also the medium for growth. It is a changing and developing body. It has many characteristics that fluctuate with the seasons. Organic matter increases when leaves fall or grasses die. The process of soil formation is a continuous one, and it is constantly being affected by the factors that contribute to it. Soil is a valuable resource, and it is important to protect it from erosion and other forms of degradation.

Table of Content

  • Process of Soil Formation
  • Overview of Soil Forming Factors
  • Parent Material
  • Topography
  • Climate

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Parent Material

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