Overview on Mesopotomian Civilization

Aspect Overview
Name Mesopotamian Civilization
Location Present-day Iraq, Kuwait, parts of Syria, Turkey, and Iran
Time Period Approx. 3500 BCE – 500 BCE
Major Cities Ur, Uruk, Babylon, Nineveh
Writing System Cuneiform script on clay tablets
Religion Polytheistic with gods such as Anu (sky god), Enlil (god of wind and storm), and Inanna (goddess of love and war)
Government City-states ruled by kings; later, empires such as Akkadian and Assyrian emerged
Achievements – Invention of the wheel and writing system (cuneiform)
– Development of advanced irrigation techniques
– Architectural marvels such as ziggurats
– Advancements in mathematics and astronomy
– Legal code of Hammurabi
Economy Agrarian-based economy with agriculture (irrigation farming), trade (barter system), and craft specialization
Decline Various factors contributed to the decline, including invasions, internal conflicts, environmental degradation (salinization of soil), and the fall of major empires such as the Akkadian and Babylonian empires.
Legacy – Influence on subsequent civilizations in the region
– Contributions to human knowledge and culture, including law codes, literature, astronomy, and mathematics
– Inspiration for the development of later civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome

Oldest Civilization In The World

Oldest Civilization In The World: Mesopotamia is the oldest civilization in the world. The four oldest civilizations in the world are the Mesopotamia Civilization, the Egyptian Civilization, the Indus Valley Civilization, and the Chinese Civilization. Civilization means the existence of a complex society with certain features, such as the development of the state, social stratification, urbanization, and symbolic communication systems beyond natural spoken language, namely a writing system.

Read below to learn about the oldest civilizations of the world, including Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indus Valley, and Mayan civilizations, in-depth.

Oldest Civilizations in The World

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Overview on Mesopotomian Civilization

Aspect Overview Name Mesopotamian Civilization Location Present-day Iraq, Kuwait, parts of Syria, Turkey, and Iran Time Period Approx. 3500 BCE – 500 BCE Major Cities Ur, Uruk, Babylon, Nineveh Writing System Cuneiform script on clay tablets Religion Polytheistic with gods such as Anu (sky god), Enlil (god of wind and storm), and Inanna (goddess of love and war) Government City-states ruled by kings; later, empires such as Akkadian and Assyrian emerged Achievements – Invention of the wheel and writing system (cuneiform)– Development of advanced irrigation techniques– Architectural marvels such as ziggurats– Advancements in mathematics and astronomy– Legal code of Hammurabi Economy Agrarian-based economy with agriculture (irrigation farming), trade (barter system), and craft specialization Decline Various factors contributed to the decline, including invasions, internal conflicts, environmental degradation (salinization of soil), and the fall of major empires such as the Akkadian and Babylonian empires. Legacy – Influence on subsequent civilizations in the region– Contributions to human knowledge and culture, including law codes, literature, astronomy, and mathematics– Inspiration for the development of later civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome...

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