Oxidation Reaction

A chemical reaction called oxidation occurs when an atom, molecule, or ion loses electrons or experiences an increase in oxidation status. This procedure can be carried out either by removing hydrogen atoms from a molecule or by reacting with an oxidising substance like oxygen or hydrogen peroxide.

New compounds can be created during oxidation processes, or existing compounds can undergo modification. For instance, secondary alcohols can be oxidised to form carboxylic acids whereas primary alcohols can be oxidised to form aldehydes or ketones. The generation of energy and metabolism depend heavily on oxidation processes in biological systems.

Since it enables the creation of new compounds and the change of old compounds into various forms, oxidation is a crucial chemical process. It is also a significant industrial process since it is used to create a wide range of goods, such as chemicals, fuels, and medicines.

Oxidation of Aldehyde

Aldehydes can be oxidised to produce either pure carboxylic acids or a combination of alcohols and carboxylic acids. Aldehydes are often oxidised using the reagents potassium permanganate (KMnO4), chromic acid (H2CrO4), and silver nitrate (AgNO3). These substances will react with the aldehyde group and produce carboxylic acid under the proper circumstances. Propanoic acid, for instance, is produced when potassium permanganate and propanal are combined.

Mechanism for Oxidation of Aaldehyde Using K2Cr2O7

In the presence of an acidic solution, the aldehyde is protonated to form a more electrophilic carbonyl group.

RCHO + H+ → RCH(OH)2+

Chromate Ester is formed by the attack of the carbonyl oxygen on the chromium in the K2Cr2O7

RCH(OH)2+ + Cr2O72- → RCH(OH)(OCrO)2-

Chromate Ester rearranges to form a more stable intermediate.

RCH(OH)(OCrO)2- → RCO(OH)(OCrO)2-

Water is eliminated from the intermediate to form a carboxylic acid.

RCO(OH)(OCrO)2- → RCO(O)CrO3 + H2O

Chromium in the product is reduced from the +6 oxidation state to the +3 oxidation state, forming Cr(OH)3

2CrO3 + 3H2O → Cr(OH)3 + 3H2CrO4

Overall Reaction


Oxidation of Ketone 

As ketones are oxidised, carboxylic acids can be produced on their own or in combination with other compounds. Nitric acid and potassium permanganate (KMnO4) are the two typically utilised chemicals for oxidising ketones (HNO3). These substances will react with the ketone group to produce carboxylic acid under the proper circumstances. Acetic acid, for instance, is produced when potassium permanganate and acetone are combined.

Mechanism for the oxidation of a Ketone using KMnO4

In the presence of an acidic solution, the ketone is protonated to form a more electrophilic carbonyl group.

R2C=O + H+ → R2C=OH2+

Carbonyl Oxygen of the protonated ketone attacks a hydrogen atom on the adjacent carbon to form a gem-diol intermediate.

R2C=OH2+ + H-CR2 → R2C(OH)(CR2)(OH2+)

The potassium permanganate oxidizes the gem-diol intermediate to form a diketone intermediate.

R2C(OH)(CR2)(OH2+) + 2KMnO4 → R2C=O-CR2=O + 2MnO2 + 2KOH + 2H2O

Water is eliminated from the diketone intermediate to form the final product.

R2C=O-CR2=O → R2C=O + CR2=O

Overall Reaction

R2C=O + [O] → R2C=O

Oxidation of Carboxylic Acid

Carbon dioxide and water can be produced when carboxylic acids are oxidised, as well as a combination of carbon dioxide and other organic molecules. Potassium permanganate is a reagent frequently utilised for the oxidation of carboxylic acids (KMnO4). This reagent will react with the carboxylic acid group under the correct circumstances to produce carbon dioxide. As an illustration, the oxidation of ethanol with potassium permanganate results in the production of carbon dioxide and water.

Mechanism for the oxidation of carboxylic acid using acidic Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4)

In the presence of an acidic solution, the carboxylic acid is protonated to form a more electrophilic carbonyl group.


The carbonyl oxygen of the protonated carboxylic acid attacks a manganese atom in the KMnO4, forming a tetrahedral intermediate.

RCOOH2+ + MnO4 → RCOOMnO3(OH) + H2O

The tetrahedral intermediate rearranges to form a more stable intermediate.


Water is eliminated from the intermediate to form a carboxylate ion and manganese dioxide.

RCOO-MnO2(OH)2 → RCOO + MnO2 + H2O

The manganese dioxide is reduced to form manganese ions in a basic solution.

MnO2 + 4OH → MnO42- + 2H2O + 2e

Overall Reaction

RCOOH + [O] → CO2 + H2O

Oxidation of Aldehydes and Ketones

A carbonyl group (-C=O) is found at the end of a carbon chain, which distinguishes aldehydes from other organic molecules. They are often present in nature and have significant uses across several sectors. In this assignment, the structure, characteristics, and reactivity of aldehydes will be covered.

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Oxidation Reaction

A chemical reaction called oxidation occurs when an atom, molecule, or ion loses electrons or experiences an increase in oxidation status. This procedure can be carried out either by removing hydrogen atoms from a molecule or by reacting with an oxidising substance like oxygen or hydrogen peroxide....

Applications of Oxidation Reaction

Aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids may be oxidised, and this process has several industrial uses. For instance, the creation of carboxylic acids, which are extensively employed in the pharmaceutical and food sectors, is accomplished via the oxidation of aldehydes and ketones. Carbon dioxide, a crucial gas utilised in several industrial processes, is created by the oxidation of carboxylic acids....

FAQs on Aldehydes and Ketones

Q1: What are the chemical structures of Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids?...