Pandas read_table() Function Syntax

Below is the syntax of pandas.read_table() function.

Syntax: pandas.read_table(filepath_or_buffer, delimiter=None, header=’infer’, names=None, index_col=None, usecols=None, dtype=None, skiprows=None, na_values=None, parse_dates=False, encoding=None, comment=None)


  • filepath_or_buffer: The path or object representing a file to be read.
  • delimiter: The delimiter to use, in this case, it’s retained for specifying the column separator.
  • header: Row(s) to use as the column names.
  • names: List of column names to use.
  • index_col: Column(s) to set as index (can be a single column name or a list of names).
  • usecols: Columns to read from the file.
  • dtype: Data type to force.
  • skiprows: Number of rows to skip at the beginning of the file.
  • na_values: Additional strings to recognize as NA/NaN.

Returns: A comma(‘,’) separated values file(csv) is returned as two dimensional data with labelled axes.

To get the link to csv file used in the article, click here.

Pandas read_table() function

Pandas is one of the most used packages for analyzing data, data exploration, and manipulation. While analyzing real-world data, we often use the URLs to perform different operations and Pandas provide multiple methods to read tabular data in Pandas. One of those methods is read_table()

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