Password Manager in Python

Below is the step-by-step guide for creating a Password Manager in Python:

Create a Virtual Environment

Now, create the virtual environment using the below commands

python -m venv env 


Here, we will install the following libraries and modules:

Writing the Tkinter Code (

Below are the step-by-step explanation of the code:

Step 1: User Input and Password Addition

In below code add() function captures the username and password entered by the user in the Tkinter GUI. It checks if both fields are non-empty. If so, it appends the username and password to a file named “passwords.txt” and displays a success message using a Tkinter messagebox.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

def add():
    # accepting input from the user
    username = entryName.get()
    # accepting password input from the user
    password = entryPassword.get()
    if username and password:
        with open("passwords.txt", 'a') as f:
            f.write(f"{username} {password}\n")
        messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Password added !!")
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please enter both the fields")

Step 2: Retrieve and Display Password

In below code get() function retrieves a username entered by the user and reads a file named “passwords.txt” to create a dictionary of username-password pairs. If the entered username exists, it displays the corresponding password; otherwise, it indicates that the username doesn’t exist.

def get():
    # accepting input from the user
    username = entryName.get()

    # creating a dictionary to store the data in the form of key-value pairs
    passwords = {}
        # opening the text file
        with open("passwords.txt", 'r') as f:
            for k in f:
                i = k.split(' ')
                # creating the key-value pair of username and password.
                passwords[i[0]] = i[1]
        # displaying the error message
        print("ERROR !!")

    if passwords:
        mess = "Your passwords:\n"
        for i in passwords:
            if i == username:
                mess += f"Password for {username} is {passwords[i]}\n"
            mess += "No Such Username Exists !!"
        messagebox.showinfo("Passwords", mess)
        messagebox.showinfo("Passwords", "EMPTY LIST!!")

Step 3: Retrieve and Display All Passwords

In below code the getlist() function reads the “passwords.txt” file, creates a dictionary of all username-password pairs, and displays a messagebox containing the entire list of passwords. If the file is empty, it notifies the user that the list is empty.

def getlist():
    # creating a dictionary
    passwords = {}

    # adding a try block, this will catch errors such as an empty file or others
        with open("passwords.txt", 'r') as f:
            for k in f:
                i = k.split(' ')
                passwords[i[0]] = i[1]
        print("No passwords found!!")

    if passwords:
        mess = "List of passwords:\n"
        for name, password in passwords.items():
            # generating a proper message
            mess += f"Password for {name} is {password}\n"
        # Showing the message
        messagebox.showinfo("Passwords", mess)
        messagebox.showinfo("Passwords", "Empty List !!")

Step 4: Delete User and Update File

In below code the delete() function takes a username input from the user, reads the “passwords.txt” file, excludes the specified username, and writes the modified data back to the file. If the deletion is successful, it displays a success message; otherwise, it shows an error message.

def delete():
    # accepting input from the user
    username = entryName.get()

    # creating a temporary list to store the data
    temp_passwords = []

    # reading data from the file and excluding the specified username
        with open("passwords.txt", 'r') as f:
            for k in f:
                i = k.split(' ')
                if i[0] != username:
                    temp_passwords.append(f"{i[0]} {i[1]}")

        # writing the modified data back to the file
        with open("passwords.txt", 'w') as f:
            for line in temp_passwords:

            "Success", f"User {username} deleted successfully!")
    except Exception as e:
        messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error deleting user {username}: {e}")

Step 5: Tkinter GUI Setup

below code has main part of the code initializes a Tkinter GUI window, sets its dimensions and title, and creates input fields for username and password. Four buttons are provided for adding passwords (Add), retrieving a password (Get), listing all passwords (List), and deleting a user (Delete).

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = tk.Tk()
    app.title("w3wiki Password Manager")

    # Username block
    labelName = tk.Label(app, text="USERNAME:")
    labelName.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=15, pady=15)
    entryName = tk.Entry(app)
    entryName.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=15, pady=15)

    # Password block
    labelPassword = tk.Label(app, text="PASSWORD:")
    labelPassword.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)
    entryPassword = tk.Entry(app)
    entryPassword.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=5)

    # Add button
    buttonAdd = tk.Button(app, text="Add", command=add)
    buttonAdd.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=15, pady=8, sticky="we")

    # Get button
    buttonGet = tk.Button(app, text="Get", command=get)
    buttonGet.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=15, pady=8, sticky="we")

    # List Button
    buttonList = tk.Button(app, text="List", command=getlist)
    buttonList.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=15, pady=8, sticky="we")

    # Delete button
    buttonDelete = tk.Button(app, text="Delete", command=delete)
    buttonDelete.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=15, pady=8, sticky="we")


How to Build a Password Manager in Python

We have a task to create a Password Manager in Python. In this article, we will see how to create a Password Manager in Python.

What is a Password Manager?

A Password Manager in Python is a tool in which we can add the username and password. Additionally, it allows us to retrieve the username and password. We also have the option to view all added usernames and passwords with just one click. Furthermore, if we want to delete a username and password, we can do so with a single click.

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