PCOS Treatment

Treatments for PCOS

Treatment of PCOS decided on some factors, those are:

  • Age
  • Symptoms
  • Health of patient
  • Whether the patient is pregnant or not
  • In the future, they want to conceive or not.

If they want to Conceive in the Future:

  1. Medication: Your healthcare provides certain drugs which help to improve the menstrual cycle and increase ovulation. Some medication and some injections are present which helps to increase the frequency of ovulation.
  2. Ovary Drilling: It is a surgical process in which those tissues from the ovary are removed which are the main source of androgen.
  3. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): In the lab, your egg is fertilized with sperm, and later on embryo is implanted in the uterus.

If they don’t want to Conceive in the Future:

  1. Healthy Lifestyle: By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet, and losing weight help in a positive way.
  2. Medications: Doctors prescribe different drugs and medications which help to regulate the androgen levels. This also helps in the regulation of acne, and hair growth occurred because of PCOS.
  3. Hormonal Birth Control: By controlling your birth control, positively helps in regulating the menstrual cycle, and it also improves acne and excess hair growth due to PCOS. In the market, different pills and IUDs are present through which you can control hormones.
  4. Insulin-sensitizing Medicine: Certain drugs are present that help in controlling the level of insulin. Maintaining insulin also helps in improving the menstrual cycle. 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a women’s disorder because of the endocrine disorder. As the name suggests, numerous cysts (i.e., fluid accumulated in the sacs) are formed over the ovary. Because of the cyst formation the male hormone i.e., androgen is present in very low amounts but females suffering from PCOS, they formed and secrete androgen in large amounts. Due to the high level of androgen, other female hormones are imbalanced.

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