
Percentage is denoted by the symbol %, which means “per hundred.” It represents a fraction of a whole, where the whole is considered to be 100. For example, 50% means 50 parts out of 100, which is equivalent to the fraction 1/2. Percentage formula is added in the image added below:

A fraction whose denominator is 100 is called a Percent. Examples of fractions include, a student getting 84 marks out of 100 in an exam then he gets 84/100 × 100 = 84%

Uses of Percentage in Daily Life

Percentage is a mathematical concept that represents a fraction of a whole expressed as a hundredth. It is widely used in various aspects of our daily lives, from financial transactions to scientific measurements.

In this article, we will learn about, the definition of percentages, the application of percentages, and others in detail.

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Percentage is denoted by the symbol %, which means “per hundred.” It represents a fraction of a whole, where the whole is considered to be 100. For example, 50% means 50 parts out of 100, which is equivalent to the fraction 1/2. Percentage formula is added in the image added below:...

Applications of Percentage

Percentage has numerous applications in daily life, including:...

Real-Life Applications of Percentage

Some specific examples of how percentage is used in daily life are:...


Percentage is a versatile mathematical concept that has numerous applications in daily life. Understanding the concept of percentage allows us to make informed decisions, solve problems, and navigate various situations effectively. By mastering the use of percentage, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and make the most of our everyday experiences....

FAQs on Percentage

What are uses of percentages?...