Performance Tuning in SQL Query

If a query is inefficient or contains errors, it will consume up the production database’s resources and slow down or disconnect other users. You must optimize your queries to have the least possible negative influence on database performance.

We have discussed few methods of performance tuning in SQL query with examples. The following techniques can be used to optimize SQL queries:

  1. SELECT fields instead of using SELECT *
  3. Create queries with INNER JOIN (not WHERE or cross join)
  4. Use WHERE instead of HAVING to define filters
  5. Use wildcards at the end of a phrase only
  6. Use LIMIT to sample query results
  7. Run your query during off-peak hours

Let’s discuss each of these methods, and see how to use them in our database.

SELECT fields instead of using SELECT *

Many SQL developers use the SELECT * shortcut to query all of the data in a table while executing exploratory queries. However, if a table contains a lot of fields and rows, the database would be taxed by superfluous data queries. By using the SELECT statement, one may direct the database to only query the data you actually need to suit your business needs. For example:

Select * from GeeksTable;

SELECT FirstName, LastName,
Address, City, State, Zip FROM GeeksTable;


It is practical to get rid of duplicates from a query by using SELECT DISTINCT. To get separate results, SELECT DISTINCT GROUPs for every field in the query. However, a lot of computing power is needed to achieve this goal. Furthermore, data may be inaccurately classified to a certain extent. Choose more fields to produce distinct results instead of using SELECT DISTINCT.

Inefficient and inaccurate: 
SELECT DISTINCT FirstName, LastName,
State FROM GeeksTable;

Efficient and accurate:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address,
City, State, Zip FROM GeeksTable;

Create  queries with INNER JOIN (not WHERE or cross join)

WHERE clause joins are preferred by some SQL developers, as in the examples below:

SELECT GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name, GFG1.LastSaleDate
WHERE GFG1.CustomerID = GFG2.CustomerID

A Cartesian Connection, also known as a Cartesian Product or a CROSS JOIN, is produced by this kind of join. A Cartesian Join creates every conceivable combination of the variables.

If we had 1,000 customers and 1,000 in total sales in this example, the query would first produce 1,000,000 results before filtering for the 1,000 entries where CustomerID is correctly connected.

The database has performed 100 times more work than was necessary, therefore this is a wasteful use of its resources. Due to the possibility of producing billions or trillions of results, Cartesian Joins pose a particular challenge for large-scale databases.

To prevent creating a Cartesian Join, use INNER JOIN instead:

SELECT GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name, GFG1.LastSaleDate
ON GFG1.CustomerID = GFG2.CustomerID

The database would only generate the limited desired records where CustomerID is equal.

Use WHERE instead of HAVING to define filters

A successful query will only retrieve the necessary records from the database. HAVING statements are computed after WHERE statements in accordance with the SQL Order of Operations. A WHERE statement is more effective if the goal is to filter a query based on conditions.

Assuming 500 sales were made in 2019, for instance, query to find how many sales were made per client that year.

SELECT GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name, GFG1.LastSaleDate
ON GFG1.CustomerID = GFG2.CustomerID
GROUP BY GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name
HAVING GFG2.LastSaleDate BETWEEN "1/1/2019" AND "12/31/2019"

The GFG2 table would be queried to retrieve 1,000 sales records, which would then be filtered to only include the 500 entries produced in 2019 before the dataset was counted.

WHERE clauses, in contrast, set a limit on how many records can be retrieved:

SELECT GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name, GFG1.LastSaleDate
ON GFG1.CustomerID = GFG2.CustomerID
WHERE GFG2.LastSaleDate BETWEEN "1/1/2019" AND "12/31/2019"
GROUP BY GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name

Use wildcards at the end of a phrase only

Wildcards enable the broadest search when searching unencrypted material, such as names or cities. However, the most extensive search is also the least effective. The database is required to search all records for a match anywhere inside the chosen field when a leading wildcard is used, particularly when combined with an ending wildcard.

Think about using this search and find cities that start with “No”:

SELECT City FROM GeekTable WHERE City LIKE ‘%No%’

The expected results are Noida, and Noopur, which will be returned by this query. Unexpected results will also be produced.

A better inquiry would be:

SELECT City FROM GeekTable WHERE City LIKE ‘No%’ 

Use LIMIT to sample query results

Use a LIMIT statement to check if the results will be pleasing and useful before executing a query for the first time. (In some DBMS systems, the terms TOP and LIMIT are used synonymously.) Only the given number of records are returned by the LIMIT statement. By using a LIMIT statement, you can avoid stressing the production database with a big query only to discover that it needs to be edited or improved.

We will look at a maximum of 10 rows in the 2019 sales query from above:

SELECT GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name, GFG1.LastSaleDate
ON GFG1.CustomerID = GFG2.CustomerID
WHERE GFG2.LastSaleDate BETWEEN "1/1/2019" AND "12/31/2019"
GROUP BY GFG1.CustomerID, GFG1.Name

We can see by the sample whether we have a usable data set or not.

Run your query during off-peak hours

About planning any query to run at a time when it won’t be as busy in order to reduce the impact of your analytical queries on the database. When the number of concurrent users is at its lowest, which is often overnight, the query should be executed.

Your query should run query more frequently by using the following: 

  • Selecting from large tables (>1,000,000 records)
  • Cartesian Joins or CROSS JOINs
  • Looping statements
  • SELECT DISTINCT statements
  • Nested subqueries
  • Wildcard searches in long text or memo fields
  • Multiple schema queries
  • Query confidently

SQL Performance Tuning

SQL Performance tuning is the process of enhancing SQL queries to speed up the server performance. Performance tuning in SQL shortens the time it takes for a user to receive a response after sending a query and utilizes fewer resources in the process. The idea is that users can occasionally produce the same intended result set with a faster-running query.

SQL performance tuning is speeding up queries against a relational database.

It is a very important concept if you are pursuing SQL as your career. Many companies ask about SQL performance tuning in interview questions, as optimizing database speed is a priority for everyone.

In this article, we discuss various tools and techniques to increase SQL performance and learn each technique step by step.

Table of Content

  • Factors Affecting SQL Speed
  • Ways to Find Slow SQL Queries in SQL Server
  • Performance Tuning in SQL Query
  • Index Tuning
  • SQL Performance Tuning Tools

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