
Crude oil, commonly known as petroleum oil, is the only nonrenewable resource that can be extracted as a liquid. It’s located between layers of the earth’s crust or between rocks, and it’s extracted by digging a vertical well into the ground or ocean floor. The crude oil is then pumped to the surface, processed at a refinery, and utilized to make a variety of goods. It is used to make gasoline and diesel for automobiles, as well as plastics, heating oil, propane, jet fuel, and artificial food tastes.

Apart from carbon, oil includes a variety of compounds, and refining the oil removes some of these chemicals. We utilize oil for a variety of purposes. Half of the world’s petroleum is used for conversion to gasoline  The remaining may be processed and utilized in liquid products like nail polish and rubbing alcohol, as well as solid products like water pipes, shoes, crayons, roofing, vitamin capsules, and a variety of other things. 

Conventional Energy Sources

Conventional sources of Energy or Non-renewable energy sources are finite resources that will deplete over time. Non-renewable energy is defined as energy that does not regenerate itself at a sufficient pace to allow for long-term economic extraction on human timescales. Coal, crude oil, natural gas, and uranium are examples of non-renewable energy sources.

Energy from fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear material, the sun, and wind, are the primary sources of electricity. Energy is a necessary component of economic progress. Wind, sun rays, and flowing water are used to generate power, whereas coal, petroleum, and natural gas are used directly in motor vehicles and equipment. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and other fuel minerals can be used to create energy.

Table of Content

  • Conventional Sources of Energy 
  • Coal 
  • Petroleum 
  • Natural Gas 
  • Electricity 
  • Non-Conventional source of Energy

Conventional Energy Sources

A resource is anything that is accessible in our surroundings that may be utilized to meet our requirements. It must be technologically possible, financially viable, and culturally acceptable. Only then can it be called a ‘Resource?’ Minerals, forests, fossil fuels, and other natural resources are examples.  Energy resources are any resources that are utilized to create electricity or energy to run industries. We are about to discuss two types of Energy Resources : 

1) Conventional Source of Energy     2) Non-Conventional Source of Energy 

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Conventional Sources of Energy

Conventional sources of Energy or Non-renewable energy sources are finite resources that will deplete over time. Non-renewable energy is defined as energy that does not regenerate itself at a sufficient pace to allow for long-term economic extraction on human timescales. Coal, crude oil, natural gas, and uranium are examples of non-renewable energy sources....


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Crude oil, commonly known as petroleum oil, is the only nonrenewable resource that can be extracted as a liquid. It’s located between layers of the earth’s crust or between rocks, and it’s extracted by digging a vertical well into the ground or ocean floor. The crude oil is then pumped to the surface, processed at a refinery, and utilized to make a variety of goods. It is used to make gasoline and diesel for automobiles, as well as plastics, heating oil, propane, jet fuel, and artificial food tastes....

Natural Gas

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Non-Conventional source of Energy

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Frequently Asked Questions

Explain how coal is distributed in India....