Phase 4: Infrastructure & Automation (Days 61-80)

Objective: Enhance your ability to manage and automate infrastructure.

Day 61-65: Cloud Platforms in Depth

Day 66-70: Practice and Hands-on Learning

  • Apply what you have learnt in a personal project or participate in open source projects where you can contribute your skills to others who might need them just like you did when assembling this guide for yourself.
  • You may automate infrastructure tasks through Terraform or Ansible IAC tools
  • Use Kubernetes to deploy containerized applications on a cloud platform.

Day 71-75: Configuration Management Best Practices

  • Learn about Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices to ensure secure, maintainable, and scalable infrastructure deployments.
  • Explore topics like:
    • Modularization: Break down infrastructure configurations into reusable modules for better organization and maintainability.
    • State Management: Understand how IaC tools handle infrastructure state and potential conflicts.
    • Security: Implement security best practices within your IaC code to minimize vulnerabilities.

Day 76-80: Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerting

  • You can track the health and performance of your infrastructure using monitoring tools.
  • System metrics collection, data rendering, alerts on abnormal activities are done by Prometheus and Grafana respectively.
  • You should set up automated notifications that will help identify potential issues early enough so that action can be taken before they escalate into emergencies.

100 Days Of DevOps – A Complete Guide For Beginners

In the fast-paced digital world, enterprises survive on agility and innovation. Here is where DevOps comes in; it is a new approach that bridges development and operations. It makes software delivery seamless and enables rapid application deployment. Nevertheless, how do you navigate as an aspiring DevOps practitioner through this exciting, yet intricate field?

This roadmap is carefully thought out to help participants excel in the DevOps environment. And now buckle up for a ride that will shake the world of efficient collaboration, automated infrastructure, and superior performance of applications.

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