Phases of Object Modeling Technique

OMT has the following phases:

1. Analysis

This is the first phase of the object modeling technique. This phase involves the preparation of precise and correct modelling of the real world problems. Analysis phase starts with setting a goal i.e. finding the problem statement. Problem statement is further divided into above discussed three models i.e. object, dynamic and functional model.

2. System Design

This is the second phase of the object modeling technique and it comes after the analysis phase. It determines all system architecture, concurrent tasks and data storage. High level architecture of the system is designed during this phase.

3. Object Design

Object design is the third phase of the object modelling technique and after system design is over, this phase comes. Object design phase is concerned with classification of objects into different classes and about attributes and necessary operations needed. Different issues related with generalization and aggregation are checked.

4. Implementation

This is the last phase of the object modeling technique. It is all about converting prepared design into the software. Design phase is translated into the Implementation phase.

Object Modeling Technique (OMT) – Software Engineering

Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is a real-world modeling approach that is easy to draw and use. This article focuses on discussing OMT in detail.

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