Phasor Diagram of RL Parallel circuit

  • The voltage in the circuit, which is shared by every element, is represented by the reference vector, which has the letter V on it. IR is displayed across the voltage vector because the current flowing through the resistor is in phase with the voltage across it.
  • The inductor current (IL) is positioned downward and lags the voltage vector by 90 degrees. It also lags the voltage by 90 degrees.
  • The total, or line current, is represented by the resultant of the vector addition of IR and IL. The phase difference between the applied line voltage and current is represented by the angle (φ).

Phasor diagram

we know cos(φ) is power factor

Total current (IT) can be written as

So,as we Know the Value of ,the can be Written as

Total current

RL Parallel Circuit

In this Article, We will be going through the RL Parallel Circuit, We will start our Article with the Introduction of the RL Parallel Circuit, Then we will go through the Circuit Diagram of the RL Parallel Circuit where we will calculate circuit parameters and See its phasor Diagram, Then we will calculate Power and Impedance of the Parallel Circuit, At last we will conclude our Article withExample, Applications, and Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • What is RL Parallel Circuit?
  • Circuit Diagram
  • Phasor Diagram
  • Power
  • Impedance
  • Examples
  • Applications

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FAQs on RL parallel circuit

What is an RL circuit’s power factor?...