Physical Features of the Himalayas

The Himalayas are famous for their soaring heights, steep-sided jagged peaks, valley and alpine glaciers, deeply eroded topography, seemingly incomprehensible river gorges, complex geologic structure, and a series of elevational belts (or zones) that show various ecological correlations of flora, fauna, and climate. When viewed from the south, the Himalayas seem like a massive crescent with the main axis rising above the snow line, where snowfields, alpine glaciers, and avalanches all feed lower-valley glaciers, which in turn feed most Himalayan rivers. However, the majority of the Himalayas are below the snow line. The range’s mountain-building process is still in progress. Significant stream erosion and massive landslides occur as the bedrock is lifted.

The Himalayan ranges are divided into four parallel longitudinal mountain belts of varying widths, each with its own geologic history and physiographic features. The Outer, or Sub-, Himalayas (also known as the Shivalik Range); the Lesser, or Lower, Himalayas; the Great Himalaya Range (Great Himalayas); and the Tethys, or Tibetan, Himalayas (from south to north). In Tibet proper, the Trans-Himalayas are located further north. The Himalayas are separated into three mountainous zones from west to east: western, central, and eastern.

How long and wide are the Himalayas?

The Himalayas, also known as the Nepali Himalayas, are a vast mountain range in Asia that forms a barrier between the Tibetan Plateau to the north and the Indian subcontinent’s alluvial plains to the south. The Himalayas are home to the world’s tallest mountains, with more than 110 peaks rising to elevations of 24,000 feet (7,300 metres) or more above sea level. Mount Everest (Tibetan: Chomolungma; Chinese: Qomolangma Feng; Nepali: Sagarmatha), the world’s tallest peak, with an elevation of 29,032 feet (8,849 metres), is of them. For thousands of years, the Himalayas have held enormous significance for the peoples of South Asia, as indicated by their literature, mythology, and religions. The immense glaciated heights have captivated pilgrim mountaineers in India since ancient times, prompting the Sanskrit term Himalaya—from hima (“snow”) and Alaya (“abode”)—for that great mountain chain. In modern times, the Himalayas have captivated mountaineers all around the world as both an allure and a challenge.


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