
This utility type constructs a type by picking the set of properties specified by the keys K from the type T. It’s useful when we want to create a new type by selecting only a few properties from an existing type.


Pick<T, K>

T: Represents the type from which properties will be picked.

K: Represents the keys of T that will be picked.

Example: In this example we are using Pick utility type to picky only name and email properties from existing type.

interface User {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    email: string;

type UserSummary = Pick<User, 'name' | 'email'>;

const userSummary: UserSummary = { name: 'ram', email: 'ram@example.com' };


{ name: 'ram', email: 'ram@example.com' }

TypeScript Utility Types

TypeScript utility types are built-in tools that help simplify working with types in TypeScript. They offer shortcuts for common type transformations like making properties optional, extracting certain properties, or filtering out specific types.

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