Plane Mirror vs Spherical Mirror

A plane mirror is a flat mirror, meaning its surface is flat and reflects light without distorting the image. It reflects light according to the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Spherical mirror has a curved surface, either concave (curves inward) or convex (curves outward). Spherical mirrors are named as such because their reflecting surface forms a part of a sphere. The reflection of light from a spherical mirror follows more complex rules compared to a plane mirror, involving the focal point, focal length, and different image formations based on the position of the object.


Plane Mirror

Spherical Mirror


Flat surface

Curved surface


Reflects light rays in a predictable manner

Reflects light rays in a curved manner

Focal Point

Does not have a focal point

Has a focal point where parallel rays converge

Image Formation

Produces virtual, upright, and laterally inverted images

Produces both real and virtual images, depending on the object’s position in the mirror

Field of View

Reflects light from all directions uniformly

Reflects light from a specific region of space


Used in regular mirrors, periscopes, and rear-view mirrors

Used in telescopes, makeup mirrors, and reflectors

Image Quality

Reflections are undistorted and of uniform intensity

Reflections may suffer from spherical aberration and distortion near the edges

Plane Mirror

A plane mirror is a type of mirror that has a flat, reflective surface. It reflects light rays in a predictable manner. Plane mirror is generally used as dressing mirror. It forms a virtual and erect image. The size of the image is formed is same as that of object. In this article, we will learn in detail about the plane mirror, image formation by plane mirrors and its characteristics. We will also learn about the applications of plane mirror and compare it with spherical mirror, parabolic mirror and elliptical mirror.

Table of Content

  • What is Plane Mirror?
  • Light Reflection in Plane Mirrors
  • Images Formation by Plane Mirrors
  • Ray Diagram for Plane Mirror
  • Mirror Equation for Plane Mirror
  • Uses of Plane Mirrors

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In conclusion, plane mirrors are a common type of mirror used in everyday life. They reflect a replica of the object placed in front of them, and the characteristics of the image formed by them are always virtual and erect. The laws of reflection determine the angle of incidence and angle of reflection when light rays strike the flat mirror and get reflected. The geometric properties of plane mirrors include a flat surface, virtual image formation, no focal point, and a limited field of view. They are commonly used in dressing tables, saloons, and periscopes. Parabolic and elliptical mirrors are other types of mirrors used in optical devices such as telescopes and headlights....

Frequently Asked Questions on Plane Mirror

Can a plane mirror magnify or reduce the size of an object?...