Playing the Bingo Game

Initiating the Game: Begin by compiling and executing the C++ program to initiate gameplay. The console will showcase the game’s progression and updates as they unfold.

Unfolding Gameplay: As the game proceeds, participants will alternately draw numbers and adjust their individual Bingo cards accordingly.

Achieving Bingo: The game endures until a player successfully forms a Bingo pattern on their card. At this juncture, the program will announce the victor and bring the game to a close.

Create Bingo Game Using C++

Bingo, a timeless game of chance and anticipation, has been captivating players for generations. The thrill of marking numbers off your card and the excitement of shouting “Bingo!” are experiences that transcend time. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating your very own Bingo game using the versatile and powerful C++ programming language.

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Implementing the Bingo Game

C++ // C++ Program to implement // Bingo Game #include using namespace std;    // Represents a Bingo card struct BingoCard {     vector numbers; };    // Function to generate a random number int generateRandomNumber(int min, int max) {     return min + (rand() % (max - min + 1));// Mark the number as drawn for Player                      // 1 }    // Function to create a Bingo card BingoCard createBingoCard() {     BingoCard card;     vector possibleNumbers;     for (int i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) {         possibleNumbers.push_back(i);     }     random_shuffle(possibleNumbers.begin(),                    possibleNumbers.end());        for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {         card.numbers.push_back(possibleNumbers[i]);     }     return card; }    // Function to draw a number and mark it on the cards void drawNumberAndMark(BingoCard& player1Card,                        BingoCard& player2Card, int number) {     for (int i = 0; i < player1Card.numbers.size(); ++i) {         // Mark the number as drawn for Player         // 1         if (player1Card.numbers[i] == number) {             player1Card.numbers[i] = 0;         }         // Mark the number as drawn for Player         // 2         if (player2Card.numbers[i] == number) {             player2Card.numbers[i] = 0;         }     } }    // Function to check if a player has achieved Bingo bool hasBingo(const BingoCard& card) {     // Check rows, columns, and diagonals for a Bingo     // pattern Implement your logic here     for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {         // Check rows         if (card.numbers[i * 5] == 0             && card.numbers[i * 5 + 1] == 0             && card.numbers[i * 5 + 2] == 0             && card.numbers[i * 5 + 3] == 0             && card.numbers[i * 5 + 4] == 0) {             return true;         }         // Check columns         if (card.numbers[i] == 0 && card.numbers[i + 5] == 0             && card.numbers[i + 10] == 0             && card.numbers[i + 15] == 0             && card.numbers[i + 20] == 0) {             return true;         }     }     // Check diagonals     if ((card.numbers[0] == 0 && card.numbers[6] == 0          && card.numbers[12] == 0 && card.numbers[18] == 0          && card.numbers[24] == 0)         || (card.numbers[4] == 0 && card.numbers[8] == 0             && card.numbers[12] == 0             && card.numbers[16] == 0             && card.numbers[20] == 0)) {         return true;     }     return false; }    // Function to display the Bingo card void displayCard(const BingoCard& card) {     for (int i = 0; i < card.numbers.size(); ++i) {         cout << (card.numbers[i]                      ? std::to_string(card.numbers[i])                      : "X")              << "\t";         if ((i + 1) % 5 == 0) {             std::cout << std::endl;         }     } }    int main() {     // Seed the random number generator with     // current time     srand(time(0));        BingoCard player1Card = createBingoCard();     BingoCard player2Card = createBingoCard();        // Player 1 starts     int currentPlayer = 1;        while (true) {         BingoCard& currentCard = (currentPlayer == 1)                                      ? player1Card                                      : player2Card;            // Numbers between 0 and 26         int drawnNumber = generateRandomNumber(0, 26);         drawNumberAndMark(player1Card, player2Card,                           drawnNumber);            cout << "Player " << currentPlayer              << " - Drawn Number: " << drawnNumber << endl;            // Display both players' updated Bingo cards         cout << "Player 1's Card:\n";         displayCard(player1Card);         cout << "--------------------------" << endl;         cout << "Player 2's Card:\n";         displayCard(player2Card);         cout << "--------------------------" << endl;            if (hasBingo(currentCard)) {             cout << "Player " << currentPlayer                  << " has achieved Bingo! Congratulations!"                  << endl;             break;         }            // Switch players         currentPlayer = (currentPlayer == 1) ? 2 : 1;     }        return 0; }...

Playing the Bingo Game
