Plural Noun Definition

A word that refers to multiple entities—a person, place, thing, or idea—is a plural noun. Plural nouns can also indicate possession, ownership, or a relationship between two or more nouns. You can form Plural Nouns by adding an -s or -es to the end of a singular noun. In some cases, the spelling of plural nouns may change, adding -en to the end of oxen or -ies to the end of puppies.

Plural Noun Examples

Some examples of plural nouns are:

  • the plural of dog is dogs
  • the plural of house is houses
  • the plural of cat is cats
  • the plural of a child is children
  • the plural of the book is books
  • the plural of a mouse is mice

Plural nouns are essential to constructing sentences and expressing ideas. Therefore, correctly knowing how to use plural nouns is critical to writing and speaking effectively in English.

Plural Noun Example in Sentences

Overall, plural nouns are an essential part of English grammar, and they are used to refer to more than one person, thing, place, or idea.
Plural Noun Examples in Sentences are:

  • The dogs barked all night.
  • The houses were all painted in different colors.
  • Cats are my favorite animals.
  • Birds are a delight to watch as they fly through the sky.

Plural Noun – Rules and Examples

Plural Noun

In English, there are different rules for forming plurals and some exceptions to the authorities. Therefore, it is essential to understand the rules and exceptions of plural nouns to use them correctly in written and spoken English. In this article, we will discuss its rules with examples in brief and other vital parts of plural nouns.

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