PMP Exam Overview

The exam for the PMP certification is usually started with a tutorial and then a survey is also conducted on the window, as the tutorial is short it only takes around 15 minutes for any average student to take the tutorial and begin the examination after it.

As we have discussed the exam itself gives 4 hours to complete which excludes the time for the survey to be completed, which means that we get extra time for the actual exam. The questions that are asked are based on the foundation of the PMBOK and PMP’s code of ethics and the specifications that are provided in it. let us take a look at the domains where you have to gain the skills to score better in the examination:

S. No.

Domain Expertise

Percentage of Question


Starting the project



Planning of the project



Execution of the project



Monitoring as well as the control of the project



Closure of the project


What are the Requirements of Project Management Professional (PMP) Certificate?

The Project Management Professional or PMP certificate is known to be a certificate that has recognition globally. it is helpful in management positions for a company because it tests the candidate and his or her compatibility for managing the team, the process of business management, and the various priorities that a business may have.

Table of Content

  • Eligibility Criteria
  • PMP Exam Overview
  • Application Process
  • Exam format
  • Resources for preparation
  • Benefits of PMP certification
  • PMP Certification Renewal
  • Conclusion

The Project Management Institute says that there are more than 10 lakh people who have the PMP certification worldwide. the Project Management Institute is the institute responsible for providing the certification of Project Management Professional certificate.

There are some requirements that a person should meet to get the certification, in this article we will overview the requirements of this certification as well as the certificate’s eligibility criteria and how it can help you stand out in the industry.

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Cost of PMP Exam

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PMP Exam Overview

The exam for the PMP certification is usually started with a tutorial and then a survey is also conducted on the window, as the tutorial is short it only takes around 15 minutes for any average student to take the tutorial and begin the examination after it....

Application Process

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Resources for Preparation

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Benefits of PMP Certification

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PMP Certification Renewal

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Now that we have completely understood the project management professional certificate requirements and how we can obtain one of these certificates we also may have a question which is whether a PMP certificate will be worth it or not and it totally depends on your skill set the PMP certificate is recognized industry wise which helps you in learning new skills as well as getting higher salaries as well so if you are well prepared for this exam then it can certainly help you land a good job....