Politics and Society

The table provided below contains the list of firsts in the UK that are related to government and politics such as the first king, first queen, first prime minister, etc:

Milestone Year Achieved by/Founded Significance
First King / Queen 871 Alfred the Great Unified Anglo-Saxon England and laid foundations for future monarchy
First Parliament 1215 King John & Barons Established Magna Carta, an early document limiting the monarch’s power
First Act of Union 1707 Scotland & England Formed the Kingdom of Great Britain
First Prime Minister 1721 Sir Robert Walpole Established the role of Prime Minister as head of government
First female Prime Minister 1979 Margaret Thatcher Broke gender barrier and became the first female Prime Minister in the UK and in Europe
First publicly elected MP 1832 William Cobbett Marked the beginning of democratic reform and wider electorate participation
First woman to receive the Victoria Cross 1917 Edith Cavell Honored for courage and humanitarian work during WWI despite being a civilian
First national health service 1948 Aneurin Bevan Established universal healthcare access for all citizens

List of Firsts in the UK

The United Kingdom is a country that has witnessed many historical firsts, which have contributed to its development and progress. From the unification of England under the first king, to the invention of the steam engine and the telephone, to the creation of the national health service and the first female prime minister, the United Kingdom has been a leader and innovator in various fields and domains. These firsts reflect the achievements and challenges of the British people, as well as their impact on the world.

This article explores these pioneering achievements, spanning areas such as governance, technological innovations, shifts in society, and advancements in culture and arts, showcasing the UK’s firsts in various aspects of its history.

Table of Content

  • Politics and Society
  • Science and Technology
  • Culture and Arts
  • Other Firsts in the UK

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Summary – List of Firsts in the UK

In the history of the United Kingdom, there have been many groundbreaking “firsts” that have shaped the country’s journey. From the first king, Alfred the Great, who unified Anglo-Saxon England, to technological milestones like the first successful steam engine by Thomas Newcomen, the UK has a rich tapestry of achievements. Politically, it established the first Parliament in 1215 with the Magna Carta and saw Sir Robert Walpole become the first Prime Minister in 1721. Margaret Thatcher broke gender barriers in 1979, becoming the first female Prime Minister. In science, Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin in 1928 marked a turning point in medicine. Cultural firsts include William Caxton’s printing press in 1476 and the opening of the British Museum in 1753. These “firsts” showcase the UK’s development across governance, technology, culture, and the arts....


The United Kingdom has a long and rich history of firsts, which have contributed to its development and progress in various fields and domains. From politics and society, to science and technology, to culture and arts, the United Kingdom has been a leader and innovator in many aspects of human civilization. These firsts reflect the achievements and challenges of the British people, as well as their impact on the world. By exploring the list of firsts in the UK, we can gain a better understanding of the diversity and significance of its history, as well as its present and future potential....

FAQs on List of Firsts in the UK

Who was the first Prime Minister of the UK?...