Popular Logical Puzzles


Puzzle Title

Asked in 

1 Pay an employee using a gold rod of 7 units ? FAANG, Ola cabs
2 Find the fastest 3 horses Accolite, Goldman Sachs, MakeMyTrip
3 Finding the injection for Anesthesia Google, Yahoo
4 3 Bulbs and 3 Switches MakeMyTrip, Qualcomm
5 Camel and Banana Puzzle Amazon, Yahoo
6 Find the Jar with contaminated pills MakeMyTrip
7 100 Prisoners with Red/Black Hats Google, Microsoft
8 10 Coins Puzzle Google, Yahoo
9 Strategy for a 2-Player Coin Game TCS
10 5 Pirates and 100 Gold Coins Microsoft
11 Minimum cut Puzzle Amazon
12 Prisoner and Policeman Puzzle Microsoft
13 Puzzle – Cheating Husband Microsoft, Google
14 Puzzle – Blind Games Bloomberg L.P.
15 Puzzle – Chameleons go on a date Amazon
16 Heaven and Hell Amazon, Infosys
17 Mislabeled Jars Google, Microsoft
18 8 balls problem Microsoft, Simence
19 Cheryl’s Birthday Puzzle and Solution Facebook, Whatsapp, Singapore math Olympic
20 Puzzle – The Lion and the Unicorn The Access Group (UK), TCS
21 Farmer, Goat, Wolf, and Cabbag Infosys
22 Water Jug Problem Wells Fargo
23 Blind man and Pills Mentor Graphics
24 The Burning Candles Wipro
25 Puzzle | The Burning Candles Wipro, IBM, TCS
26 Rat and Poisonous Milk Bottles Google
27 Measuring 6L water from 4L and 9L buckets Microsoft
28 Six Houses P, Q, R, S, T, and U CAT Quiz
29 Melting Candles Faang
30 Red Hat vs Blue Hat Microsoft
31 Puzzle | Joint family of seven persons (L, M, N, O, P, Q, and R) TCS
32 Puzzle | The Circle of Lights Microsoft, Bloomberg
33 Puzzle | 9 Students and Red Black Hats Google
34 Light all the bulbs Microsoft, Bloomberg
35 Distribute the Water Microsoft
36 Puzzle | Can 2 persons be with same number of hairs on their heads? oppo, inflame
37 Weight of Heavy Ball IBM

After solving the above puzzles you are able to solve any kind of Logical Puzzle.

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What are Logical Puzzles And How to Solve them?

A Logical Puzzle is a type of intellectual challenge or problem-solving exercise that requires a person to use his brain, deductive reasoning, and logical analysis to arrive at a solution or conclusion. These puzzles often involve a set of rules or constraints that must be followed to reach the correct answer, and they can come in various forms and levels of complexity.

Rubik’s Cube Puzzle

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Key characteristics of logical puzzles include:

Rules and Constraints: Logical puzzles are typically accompanied by a set of rules, conditions, or constraints that define the problem’s parameters. These rules serve as the foundation for solving the puzzle. Objective: Every logical puzzle has a specific objective or question that needs to be answered or a solution that needs to be found. Solving the puzzle involves achieving this objective within the given constraints. Logical Reasoning: Solving logical puzzles requires logical reasoning skills, including deduction and inference. You must make logical deductions based on the given information to progress toward a solution. No Randomness: Logical puzzles do not rely on chance or randomness. They are designed to be solved using systematic, logical steps. Variety of Forms: Logical puzzles come in a wide range of forms and formats. Some common types include logic grid puzzles, Sudoku, riddles, cryptograms, and brain teasers. Each type of puzzle presents a unique challenge and may require different types of logical thinking. Problem Solving: Logical puzzles are often used as a form of entertainment, education, or cognitive exercise. They can be found in books, newspapers, magazines, and online platforms. Single or Multi-Step: Logical puzzles can involve a series of steps to reach a solution, or they may require a single insight or deduction to crack....

Popular Examples Of Logical Puzzle Include:

Riddles and Brain Teasers: In this type of Puzzle, a few of statement is given to you and on the basis of that statements you have to find out the answer o the given Question. Sudoku: Sudoku is a type of arrangement type puzzle, in which there is a grid of 9 *9 with digits so that each row and each column contains all the digit from 1 to 9....

How to solve Puzzles:

To solve Below puzzles One should follow the below steps:...

Popular Logical Puzzles:

S.No. Puzzle Title Asked in  1 Pay an employee using a gold rod of 7 units ? FAANG, Ola cabs 2 Find the fastest 3 horses Accolite, Goldman Sachs, MakeMyTrip 3 Finding the injection for Anesthesia Google, Yahoo 4 3 Bulbs and 3 Switches MakeMyTrip, Qualcomm 5 Camel and Banana Puzzle Amazon, Yahoo 6 Find the Jar with contaminated pills MakeMyTrip 7 100 Prisoners with Red/Black Hats Google, Microsoft 8 10 Coins Puzzle Google, Yahoo 9 Strategy for a 2-Player Coin Game TCS 10 5 Pirates and 100 Gold Coins Microsoft 11 Minimum cut Puzzle Amazon 12 Prisoner and Policeman Puzzle Microsoft 13 Puzzle – Cheating Husband Microsoft, Google 14 Puzzle – Blind Games Bloomberg L.P. 15 Puzzle – Chameleons go on a date Amazon 16 Heaven and Hell Amazon, Infosys 17 Mislabeled Jars Google, Microsoft 18 8 balls problem Microsoft, Simence 19 Cheryl’s Birthday Puzzle and Solution Facebook, Whatsapp, Singapore math Olympic 20 Puzzle – The Lion and the Unicorn The Access Group (UK), TCS 21 Farmer, Goat, Wolf, and Cabbag Infosys 22 Water Jug Problem Wells Fargo 23 Blind man and Pills Mentor Graphics 24 The Burning Candles Wipro 25 Puzzle | The Burning Candles Wipro, IBM, TCS 26 Rat and Poisonous Milk Bottles Google 27 Measuring 6L water from 4L and 9L buckets Microsoft 28 Six Houses P, Q, R, S, T, and U CAT Quiz 29 Melting Candles Faang 30 Red Hat vs Blue Hat Microsoft 31 Puzzle | Joint family of seven persons (L, M, N, O, P, Q, and R) TCS 32 Puzzle | The Circle of Lights Microsoft, Bloomberg 33 Puzzle | 9 Students and Red Black Hats Google 34 Light all the bulbs Microsoft, Bloomberg 35 Distribute the Water Microsoft 36 Puzzle | Can 2 persons be with same number of hairs on their heads? oppo, inflame 37 Weight of Heavy Ball IBM...