Population and Attributes

  • The gender ratio refers to the total number of men and women per 1000 individuals.
  • The birth rate refers to the total number of individuals born in a certain period of time.
  • Death rate refers to the total number of deaths in a certain period of time.
  • A plot showing age distribution is known as an age pyramid.

Population Growth – CBSE Class 12

Population Growth: Population growth refers to the increase in the number of people in a given area in a particular period of time. It is the main cause of this world because the population of human beings is not a static factor. Population growth depends on various factors such as weather, food availability, and predation pressure. The density of population changes during a given period due to changes in four basic processes two of which natality and immigration contribute to an increase in population and the other two mortality and emigration contribute to the decrease in population.

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A population has different attributes whereas an individual organism does not. An individual may have birth and deaths but a population has birth rates and death rates. In population, these rates refer to per capita births and deaths. These rates are the change in numbers that increases or decreases with respect to the member of a population. Another attribute feature of a population is the sex ratio. An individual is male or female but a population has a sex ratio. The population is composed of individuals of different age groups. If age distribution is plotted for the population the structure is known as the age pyramid. For the human population, the age pyramid shows age distribution among males and females....

Population and Attributes

The gender ratio refers to the total number of men and women per 1000 individuals. The birth rate refers to the total number of individuals born in a certain period of time. Death rate refers to the total number of deaths in a certain period of time. A plot showing age distribution is known as an age pyramid....

Population Growth

The size of a population of a species keeps on changing from time to time depending on various factors such as weather, food availability, and predation pressure. Therefore the density of the population changes during a given period due to changes in four basic processes two of which (natality and immigration) contribute to an increase in population and the other two (mortality and emigration) contribute to the decrease in population....

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