Population Vs Sample

The population refers to the entire group of individuals or items that we are interested in studying and drawing conclusions about. In statistics, the population is the entire set of items from which data is drawn in the statistical study. It can be a group of individuals or a set of items.

The population is usually denoted by N.

A sample is a subset of the population selected for study. It is a representative portion of the population from which we collect data in order to make inferences or draw conclusions about the entire population.

It is denoted by n.



The population includes all members of a specified group.

A sample is a subset of the population.

Collecting data from an entire population can be time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes impractical or impossible.

Samples offer a more feasible approach to studying populations, allowing researchers to draw conclusions based on smaller, manageable datasets

Includes all residents in the city.

Consists of 1000 households, a subset of the entire population.

Population vs Sample in Statistic

In statistics, understanding the difference between a population and a sample is fundamental to many aspects of data analysis and inference.

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