Post-Soviet Era

After the Soviet Union broke apart, the world changed a lot. The US became the most powerful country, and people started questioning the role of international organizations like the United Nations (UN).

Here are some of the discussions about changes to the UN:

  • Changing World Dynamics: With the fall of the Soviet Union, the balance of power shifted. People wondered how the UN should adapt to these changes.
  • UN Security Council Reform: The UN Security Council is a group that makes important decisions about peace and security. It has five permanent members: the US, UK, China, France, and Russia. Many think this group should change to reflect the current power dynamics and include more countries.
  • Representation and Fairness: Some believe the Security Council should be more representative of today’s world. This could mean giving more countries a say in important decisions.
  • Transparency and Efficiency: Calls for more openness in how the UN operates and for quicker decision-making have also been part of the conversation.

Evolution of the UN| Class 12 Political Science Notes

The United Nations (UN) was set up in 1945 to replace the League of Nations. The League of Nations was created after World War I to keep peace, but it could not stop World War II. The UN was created to help countries work together and prevent wars in the future. The UN also works on issues like human rights, health, and the environment. It includes many different countries that come together to solve problems and promote peace.

Here are some key points on the evolution of the UN:

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