Powers & Functions of the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of India holds a position of immense significance within the country’s political structure. As the head of government, the Prime Minister has a wide range of powers and functions that are essential for the functioning of the government and the nation. Here are the key powers and functions of the Prime Minister of India

1. As Head of the Union Council of Ministers

The Prime Minister is the head of the Council of Ministers of the Union. His functions and powers about CoM are as follows:

  • Recommending qualified people to be appointed as ministers by the President.
  • Assigning portfolios to the ministers and reshuffling them when required.
  • Asking a minister to resign or advising the President to dismiss a minister in case of a crucial opinion difference.
  • Heading the meeting of the Council of Ministers and influencing its decisions.
  • Guiding, Directing, Coordinating, and controlling the activities of all the union ministers.

Note: If the Prime Minister resigns from the office, the entire Council of Ministers collapses. The same happens when the Prime Minister dies.

2. Functions in Relation to The President

The Prime Minister acts as the communication channel between the President and the Council of Ministers. The functions of the PM in relation to the President include:

  • Communicating all the decisions of the Council of Ministers to the President.
  • Advising the President regarding the appointment of important officials like Attorney General of India, chairman and members of UPSC, Comptroller and auditor general of India, election commissioners, etc.

3. As The Leader of the Lok Sabha

The Prime Minister is also the leader of the Lower House, i.e. Lok Sabha. In this role, he enjoys the below-mentioned powers:

  • Recommending the President to dissolve the Lok Sabha at any time.
  • Advising the President about the summoning and proroguing of the Parliamentary sessions.
  • Announcing government policies on the floor of Lok Sabha.

4. Other Functions & Powers

Apart from the above-listed powers, the Prime Minister has several other roles and responsibilities as follows:

  • He is the chairman of the National Integration Council, NITI Aayog, Inter-State Council, National Water Resources, and a few other bodies.
  • The Prime Minister is also the chief spokesman of the Union government.
  • He plays a vital role in shaping the foreign policies.
  • The PM is also responsible for crisis management at the political level in case of any emergencies.

Prime Minister: Appointment, Powers, and Functions

Prime Minister of India: The Prime Minister is one of the important posts of the Union Executive along with the President, Vice-President, and Council of Ministers. As per the scheme of the Indian parliamentary system, the President is the head of the state while the Prime Minister is the head of the government. Simply put, the President is the nominal head while the Prime Minister is the real head of the government.

Table of Content

  • Who is PM?
  • Eligibility Criteria for Prime Minister
  • Appointment of The Prime Minister
  • Term of the Prime Minister
  • Powers & Functions of the Prime Minister
  • Relationship Between The President and the Prime Minister
  • Power Restrictions of a Prime Minister
  • Power Misuse of a Prime Minister

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