Practice Problems

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What is Inverse Graph?

Inverse of a directed graph G is another directed graph on the same set of vertices with all the edges reversed as present in G. For every directed edge (u, v) present in G, the inverse of the graph has the directed edge (v, u)....

Why to use Inverse Graph?

The idea behind using Inverse Graph is to analyze paths and connectivity of a Directed Graph. Several graph algorithms become more straightforward when applied to transpose graphs. For instance, algorithms like depth-first search (DFS) and strongly connected components (SCC) algorithms can be efficiently implemented on transpose graphs. Inverse Graph is also quite useful for topological sort on Directed Acyclic Graphs....


Inverse graph can be implemented by simply reversing the direction of all the directed edges....

Use cases of Inverse Graph:

To find the strongly connected components in a directed graph (Kosaraju’s algorithm):...

Practice Problems:

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