Practice Problems on Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

1. Find the prime factorization of the number 630.

2. Find the least common multiple of 36 and 48 using the prime factorization method.

3. Find the greatest common divisor of 84 and 126 using the prime factorization method.

4. Prove that if a number ends in 0, then it is divisible by 10 using the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

5. Prove that every positive integer greater than 1 can be written uniquely as a product of prime numbers, up to the order of the factors.

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: Arithmetic is the game of numbers and every number is divided into some or other group, For instance: there exists composite numbers, even numbers, odd numbers, and prime numbers. Prime numbers are one of those that can be a part of every number, If a number is broken down into smaller numbers, the smallest numbers to exist being a part of that number are nothing but prime numbers.

This article will discuss the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, its proof, examples, and practice problems.

Table of Content

  • Prime Numbers
  • Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
    • Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
    • LCM and HCF using Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
  • Practice Problems on Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

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