Practice Questions on Decimal Fractions

P1. Convert 3/25 as a decimal fraction.

P2. Convert 23% into decimal fractions.

P3. Find the difference between 78/100 and 35/100.

P4. Find the sum of 11/10 and 3/100

Decimal Fraction

Decimal Fractions are an integral part of the Number System, which bridges the gap between whole numbers and fractions. Decimal Fractions are developed as means to represent the various quantities in the real world with more precision. The evolution of Decimals can be traced back to Hindu-Arebic numerals as well as to Babylonians, Greeks, and Chinese. 

Decimal Fractions are called decimal fractions because these fractions can be easily converted into decimal values. Such as the decimal value of 2/10 is 0.2, the decimal value of 34/100 is 0.34, and so on, which we will learn in the article further. This article explores, the topic of Decimal Fractions in detail, including its various subtopics such as examples, Operations on Decimal fractions, Types of Decimal Fractions, Decimal fraction conversion, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Decimal Fraction?
  • Types of Decimal Fraction
  • Operations on Decimal Fractions
  • Decimal Fraction Conversions
  • Decimal Fractions Chart
  • Decimal Fractions Percentages
  • Equivalent Decimal Fractions

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What is a Decimal Fraction?

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Practice Questions on Decimal Fractions

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Calculating Decimal Fraction

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FAQs on Decimal Fractions

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