Practices to Avoid

  • Ignoring Responsive Design: Neglecting the responsiveness of your site according to different screen sizes is big mistake. Because of this your site wont rank on mobile devices, because of bad user expierence So considering responsiveness is must
  • Overloading with Large Images and Media: Large sized unoptimized images will make your website slower to load images, this is also bad for SEO, so its recommanded to change the images to optimized web formats such as Webp
  • Using Pop-Ups Excessively: Excessive pop-ups can be intrusive and annoy users. Use them sparingly and provide a clear way to close them.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Neglecting website’s security will lead to users data theft and your website will be prone to attacks and viruses. Sanitize user inputs, avoid storing sensitive information in cookies, and keep software up to date.
  • Inconsistent Design Elements: Inconsistent fonts, colors, and layouts can make your website look unprofessional. Maintain a consistent design throughout your site for a cohesive user experience.

Role of Coding in Web Design Process

Coding allows web designers to make websites that can interact with users, databases, and other web resources. Coding also lets web designers add various features and functions, such as navigation, layout, animation, responsiveness, accessibility, and security Today we will look at the significant role of coding in web designing.

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What’s the role of coding in web design?

Creating Content Structure: Designing a webpage coding language such as HTML provides a structure to put your content in an understandable manner. It defines elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and lists which we use to create the basic structure of content. Visual Styling: To make our webpage more appealing and engaging to users we need to create an attractive user interface.CSS is made for that purpose it helps us to control the visual presentation of a webpage, including aspects like layout, colors, fonts, and spacing. Interactivity: What will happen if user tries to interact with elements of website, how will the UI react to it? Here comes JavaScript which adds interactivity to websites. It enables features like form validation, sliders, pop-up messages, and dynamic content updates. You can create buttons that will dynamically play video, animation, perform a task, interact with our sever and much more using Javascript. Responsive Design: Responsive Design is used when you try your webpage on different platforms which may be an android, pc, tablet or nowadays tv. It need to fit according to there sizes in order to look appealing on all platforms. By using CSS we can create screen which can adapt all sizes and resolutions and Media queries allow designers to apply different styles based on screen width. Navigation: Navigation is a way to tell users where is content they are are actually looking for. For example in GeeksforGeeks proper navigation is provided above webpage with different categories such as data structures, web development, algorithmn. Database Management: After all things we need server to store our content which can be possible using coding languages such as PHP, JavaScript, and CSS. PHP manages dynamic content on the server, often used for tasks like database interactions and generating dynamic web pages. E-commerce Functionality: If you wish to make an ecommerce website which allows users to purchase and sell things. Coding is essential for implementing features like shopping carts, payment gateways, product listings, and order processing. Security Measures: Coding provides us lot of techniques to make our content or our data secure. It provides us lot of techniques like input validation, encryption, and secure authentication are implemented to protect websites from vulnerabilities and attacks. Coding for Optimization: Coding is used for optimizing your webpage so that it will open faster and users wont leave it to another sites. for example CDNs use coding techniques to optimize the delivery of website assets (images, scripts) for faster loading times...

Key Elements of Coding in Web Design


Benefits of Using Coding for Web Design

Complete Customizations- Coding allows web designers to customize the website from beginning to end from small parts such as tags to sever selection. It provides us full control over design of web page there are lot of varities in design is available to creator to give a feel website according to its niche. Analytics- By using coding, people can build or use analytics tools which provides analytics about how user interacted with the side for example how much time he spent, which part of site is more engaging etc. Creative Freedom- complete freedom is provided to users to create your own unique design there is no time limit provided to complete you can start whenever you want. You can choose topic which you like, even there are lot of coding languages available now. You can choose which you want to use according to you convenience. Career Opportunities: Learning web coding languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) opens up career opportunities in web development and design, which are in high demand. Cost Efficiency: Coding language are free to use and learn for web design. You can start by just downloading simple editing and compiling software. While HTML CSS can be used only by using notepad. So in long run coding is best cost efficient option. Data Manage- By using coding data is very secured as coding allows you to delete, edit, copy or transfer data to another server. So its completely in your control....

Practices to Avoid

Ignoring Responsive Design: Neglecting the responsiveness of your site according to different screen sizes is big mistake. Because of this your site wont rank on mobile devices, because of bad user expierence So considering responsiveness is must Overloading with Large Images and Media: Large sized unoptimized images will make your website slower to load images, this is also bad for SEO, so its recommanded to change the images to optimized web formats such as Webp Using Pop-Ups Excessively: Excessive pop-ups can be intrusive and annoy users. Use them sparingly and provide a clear way to close them. Security Vulnerabilities: Neglecting website’s security will lead to users data theft and your website will be prone to attacks and viruses. Sanitize user inputs, avoid storing sensitive information in cookies, and keep software up to date. Inconsistent Design Elements: Inconsistent fonts, colors, and layouts can make your website look unprofessional. Maintain a consistent design throughout your site for a cohesive user experience....


After knowing the role of coding in web design we can understand that professional web design is only possible though coding and also there are lot of benefits of doing coding using web design. Hence, coding is not just about writing codes and creating webpages its about creating online expierence which would help, empower users in various ways. Coding provides us a lot of modules, libraries which open door of lot of features, designs and functionalities which can be added to websites...