Preparation of Iron (III) chloride

  • The reaction between iron and chlorine leads to the formation of Iron (III) chloride.

2Fe + 3Cl2 ⇢  2FeCl3

  • Oxidation of ferrous chloride with chlorine also leads to the formation of Iron (III) chloride.

2FeCl2 + Cl2 ⇢  2FeCl3

  •  Oxidation of ferrous chloride with oxygen also leads to the formation of Iron (III) chloride.

4FeCl2 + O2 + 4HCl   ⇢   4FeCl3 + 2H2O

Iron III chloride Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (Latin: from Ferrum) and atomic number 26. This is the first transition series in the periodic table and the metals belonging to group 8.

Chlorine (Cl), a chemical element, is the second lightest member of a halogen family, or Group 17 of the Periodic Table (Group VII a). Chlorine is a toxic, corrosive, greenish-yellow gas that irritates the eyes and airways. chlorine.

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Structure of Iron (III) chloride


Preparation of Iron (III) chloride

The reaction between iron and chlorine leads to the formation of Iron (III) chloride....

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Used in drinking water production and wastewater treatment. Used as a catalyst for the reaction between chlorine and ethylene. Used in energy storage systems. Used as a desiccant in certain reactions Friedel craft Lewis acid Used in the laboratory as a (catalyst) reaction, chlorinated links of aromatic compounds....

Frequently Asked Questions on Iron (III) chloride

Question 1: Is FeCl3 ionic or molecular?...