Prevention of Cookie Tampering

  • Install an SSL certificate: without SSL the data (cookies) are sent in plain text, which is an attacker intercept they can simply read.
  • Install a security plugin: this will block malicious IP addresses and prevent hack attempts on your website, if there is malicious activity it will alert you.
  • Update your website: Always keep your website up to date, including plugins like themes and WordPress installations.
  • Never click on suspicious links or those you don’t have any idea about.
  • Avoid storing sensitive information on websites like your bank details on shopping sites or your login details.
  • Clear cookies on a regular basis, and by doing this you will get rid of the sensitive information stored in your browsers. you can perform this by going to clear browsing data → in the advance section → select cookies and other site data. 

Cookie Tampering Techniques

Cookie tampering is a method in which the attacker manipulates or modifies the information of the stored data on a web browser. This includes all types of data like personal information (name, number, address), and credentials for certain websites, or it can be the settings for specific websites. it is intended to steal valuable information from users. 

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Cookie Tampering Techniques:

Cookie tampering can be done with session hijacking attacks, cookie poisoning, and many more. Cookie tampering techniques include:...

Prevention of Cookie Tampering:

Install an SSL certificate: without SSL the data (cookies) are sent in plain text, which is an attacker intercept they can simply read. Install a security plugin: this will block malicious IP addresses and prevent hack attempts on your website, if there is malicious activity it will alert you. Update your website: Always keep your website up to date, including plugins like themes and WordPress installations. Never click on suspicious links or those you don’t have any idea about. Avoid storing sensitive information on websites like your bank details on shopping sites or your login details. Clear cookies on a regular basis, and by doing this you will get rid of the sensitive information stored in your browsers. you can perform this by going to clear browsing data → in the advance section → select cookies and other site data....