Principles of Manifesto for Agile Software Development

This Agile Manifesto is supported by 12 principles that help to implement the values.

Below are the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto:

The 12 Principles of Agile Manifesto for Software Development7

1) Customer Satisfaction through Early and Continuous Delivery:

This principle concentrates on the importance of customer satisfaction by providing information to customers early on time and also with consistency throughout the development process.

2) Welcome Changing Requirements, Even Late in Development:

Agile processes tackles change for the customer’s competitive advantage. Even late in development, changes in requirements are welcomed to ensure the delivered software meets the evolving requirements of the customer.

3) Deliver Working Software Frequently:

This principle encourages the regular release of functional software increments in short iterations. This enables faster feedback, and adaptation to changing requirements.

4) Collaboration between Business Stakeholders and Developers:

This says the businesspeople and developers must work together daily throughout the project. There should be communication and collaboration between stakeholders and the development team regularly. This is crucial for understanding and prioritizing requirements effectively.

5) Build Projects around Motivated Individuals:

This promotes in giving developers the environment and support they need and trust them to complete the job successfully. Motivated and empowered individuals are more likely to produce work with quality and make valuable contributions to the project.

6) Face-to-Face Communication is the Most Effective:

Face-to-Face communication is the most effective method of discussion and conveying information. This principle depicts the importance on direct interaction which helps in minimizing misunderstandings, and hence effective communication is achieved.

7) Working Software is the Primary Measure of Progress:

This principle emphasizes on delivering functional and working software as the primary metric for project advancement. It encourages teams to prioritize the continuous delivery of valuable features, so it ensures that good progress is consistently achieved throughout the process. The primary goal is to provide customers with incremental value and also gather feedback early in the project life cycle.

8) Maintain a Sustainable Pace of Work:

Agile promotes sustainable development. All people involved: The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. This principle depicts the need for a sustainable and consistent development pace. This helps in avoiding burnout and ensure long-term project success.

9) Continuous Attention to Technical Excellence and Good design:

This principle is on the importance of maintaining high standards of technical craft and design, so it ensures the long-term ability in maintenance and adaptability of the software.

10) Simplicity—the Art of Maximizing the Amount of Work Not Done:

Simplicity is essential. The objective here is to concentrate on the most valuable features and tasks and avoiding unnecessary complexity as the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is crucial.

11) Self-Organizing Teams:

Self-organizing teams provides the best architectures, requirements, and designs. These help in empowering teams to make decisions and organize to optimize efficiency and creativity.

12) Regular Reflection on Team Effectiveness:

This makes the team reflects on how to become more effective in regular intervals and then adjusts accordingly. Continuous improvement is very crucial for the adapting to changing circumstances and optimizing the team performance over time.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

The Manifesto for Agile Software Development is a document produced by 17 developers at Snowbird, Utah in 2001. This document consists of 4 Agile Values and 12 Agile Principles. These 12 principals and 4 agile values provide a guide to Software Developers. The Manifesto for Agile Software Development emerged as a transformative guide to Software Development.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

Table of Content

  • History of Agile Manifesto
  • Purpose of Manifesto for Agile Software Development
  • 4 Values of Manifesto for Agile Software Development
  • Principles of Manifesto for Agile Software Development
  • Conclusion: Manifesto for Agile software development
  • FAQ’s on Manifesto for Agile software development

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