Problems that can be solved using Branch and Bound Algorithm

The Branch and Bound method can be used for solving most combinatorial problems. Some of these problems are given below:

Introduction to Branch and Bound – Data Structures and Algorithms Tutorial

Branch and bound algorithms are used to find the optimal solution for combinatory, discrete, and general mathematical optimization problems.

A branch and bound algorithm provide an optimal solution to an NP-Hard problem by exploring the entire search space. Through the exploration of the entire search space, a branch and bound algorithm identify possible candidates for solutions step-by-step.

There are many optimization problems in computer science, many of which have a finite number of the feasible shortest path in a graph or minimum spanning tree that can be solved in polynomial time. Typically, these problems require a worst-case scenario of all possible permutations. The branch and bound algorithm create branches and bounds for the best solution.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the branch and bound method in detail.

Different search techniques in branch and bound:

The Branch  algorithms incorporate different search techniques to traverse a state space tree. Different search techniques used in B&B are listed below:

  1. LC search
  2. BFS
  3. DFS

1. LC search (Least Cost Search):

It uses a heuristic cost function to compute the bound values at each node. Nodes are added to the list of live nodes as soon as they get generated.
The node with the least value of a cost function selected as a next E-node.

2.BFS(Breadth First Search):
It is also known as a FIFO search.
It maintains the list of live nodes in first-in-first-out order i.e, in a queue, The live nodes are searched in the FIFO order to make them next E-nodes.

3. DFS (Depth First Search):
It is also known as a LIFO search.
It maintains the list of live nodes in last-in-first-out order i.e. in a stack.

The live nodes are searched in the LIFO order to make them next E-nodes.

Introduction to Branch and Bound

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The branch and bound algorithms are one of the most popular algorithms used in optimization problems that we have discussed in our tutorial. We have also explained when a branch and bound algorithm is appropriate for a user to use. In addition, we presented an algorithm based on branches and bounds for assigning jobs. Lastly, we discussed some advantages and disadvantages of branch and bound algorithms....