Program to Handle Duplicate Elements in a PriorityQueue

Approach 1: Using a Custom Comparator

Below is the implementation of Handling Duplicate Elements in a PriorityQueue:


// Java program to handle duplicate elements in a PriorityQueue while maintaining order 
// using a custom comparator
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
public class PriorityQueueExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Custom comparator to maintain order for duplicates
        Comparator<Integer> customComparator = (a, b) -> {
            int result = % 10, b % 10);
            return result == 0 ?, b) : result;
        // PriorityQueue with custom comparator
        PriorityQueue<Integer> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(customComparator);
        // Adding elements to PriorityQueue
        priorityQueue.add(22); // Duplicate element
        // Polling elements from PriorityQueue
        while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {



Explanation of the above Program:

  • In this example, we specify a particular ordering for the entries in the PriorityQueue by creating a custom comparator.
  • The comparator evaluates and contrasts each element’s last digit. It compares the items directly if the last digits are the same.
  • In this manner, the custom comparator determines the order of duplicate items when they are encountered.
  • After that, elements including duplicates are added to the PriorityQueue and polled in the proper sequence.

Approach 2: Using a Wrapper Class

Below is the implementation of the a Wrapper Class for handling elements in PriorityQueue:


// Java program to handle duplicate elements in a PriorityQueue while maintaining order
// using a wrapper class
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
public class ElementWrapper implements Comparable<ElementWrapper> 
    int value;
    public ElementWrapper(int value) 
        this.value = value;
    public int compareTo(ElementWrapper other) {
        return % 10, other.value % 10);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // PriorityQueue with ElementWrapper
        PriorityQueue<ElementWrapper> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>();
        // Adding elements to PriorityQueue
        priorityQueue.add(new ElementWrapper(15));
        priorityQueue.add(new ElementWrapper(22));
        priorityQueue.add(new ElementWrapper(11));
        priorityQueue.add(new ElementWrapper(22)); // Duplicate element
        priorityQueue.add(new ElementWrapper(30));
        // Polling elements from PriorityQueue
        while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {



Explanation of the above Program:

  • In this example we provide a wrapper class that implements the Comparable interface called ElementWrapper.
  • The wrapper class’s compareTo function is modified to compare components according to the last digit.
  • Next, ElementWrapper objects are used to instantiate the PriorityQueue, guaranteeing that duplicate items are identified according to their inherent ordering.
  • When duplicates are present, the PriorityQueue is filled, and items are polled to display the maintained order.

Java Program to Handle Duplicate Elements in a PriorityQueue While Maintaining Order

In Java, elements in a Priority Queue are arranged according to their priority, which is based on a priority heap. When there are duplicate items, the default comparison method is to use a comparator that is given or to compare the elements according to their natural ordering. We can use a custom comparator or wrapper class to handle duplicates and preserve order.

In this article, we will learn how to handle duplicate elements in a PriorityQueue while maintaining order in Java.

Approaches to Handle Duplicates in a Priority Queue

By using two methods we can handle duplicate elements in a Priority Queue while maintaining order.

  • Using a Custom Comparator
  • Using a Wrapper Class

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