Program to Implement Min Heap

Below is the program to implement Min Heap:

// Java Program to Implement Min Binary Heap
import java.util.Arrays;

public class BinaryHeap {
     // Array representation of the heap
    private int[] heap;   
      // Number of elements currently in the heap
    private int size;     
      // Maximum number of elements the heap can hold
    private int capacity; 

    // Constructor to initialize the heap with a given capacity
    public BinaryHeap(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.heap = new int[capacity];
        this.size = 0;

    // Method to get the index of the
      // parent of a given node
    private int parent(int i) {
        return (i - 1) / 2;

    // Method to get the index of the
      // left child of a given node
    private int leftChild(int i) {
        return 2 * i + 1;

    // Method to get the index of the
      // right child of a given node
    private int rightChild(int i) {
        return 2 * i + 2;

    // Method to swap two elements in the heap array
    private void swap(int i, int j) {
        int temp = heap[i];
        heap[i] = heap[j];
        heap[j] = temp;

    // Method to resize the heap array when capacity is reached
    private void resize() {
        capacity *= 2;
        heap = Arrays.copyOf(heap, capacity);

    // Method to insert a new value into the heap
    public void insert(int value) {
        if (size >= capacity) {
              // Resize the heap if capacity is reached
          // Place the new value at the end of the heap
        heap[size] = value; 
          // Index of the newly added element
        int current = size; 
          // Increase the size of the heap

        // Restore the heap property by "heapifying up"
        while (current > 0 && heap[current] < heap[parent(current)]) {
              // Swap with the parent if smaller
            swap(current, parent(current)); 
              // Move up to the parent's position
            current = parent(current);      

    // Method to restore the heap property by
       // "heapifying down" from a given index
    private void heapifyDown(int i) {
           // Assume the current index is the smallest
        int smallest = i;
          // Get the left child index
        int left = leftChild(i);    
          // Get the right child index
        int right = rightChild(i);  

        // If the left child is smaller than the current
          // smallest element, update smallest
        if (left < size && heap[left] < heap[smallest]) {
            smallest = left;

        // If the right child is smaller than the current
          // smallest element, update smallest
        if (right < size && heap[right] < heap[smallest]) {
            smallest = right;

        // If the smallest element is not the current
          // element, swap and continue heapifying down
        if (smallest != i) {
            swap(i, smallest);

    // Method to extract the minimum element from the heap
    public int extractMin() {
        if (size == 0) {
              // Check if the heap is empty
            throw new RuntimeException("Heap is empty!"); 

          // The root of the heap is the minimum element
        int min = heap[0]; 
          // Replace the root with the last element in the heap
        heap[0] = heap[size - 1]; 
          // Restore the heap property by "heapifying down" from the root

          // Return the extracted minimum element
        return min; 

    // Method to print the current
      // state of the heap
    public void printHeap() {
        // Print the heap elements as
          // an array, up to the current size
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(heap, size)));

    // Main method to demonstrate the
      // usage of the BinaryHeap class
    public static void main(String[] args) {
          // Create a BinaryHeap with an initial capacity of 10
        BinaryHeap bh = new BinaryHeap(10); 

        // Insert elements into the heap

        // Print the heap after inserting elements
        System.out.println("Heap after inserting elements:");

        // Extract the minimum element and print it
        System.out.println("Extracted minimum: " + bh.extractMin());
        // Print the heap after extracting the minimum element
        System.out.println("Heap after extracting the minimum:");

Heap after inserting elements:
[3, 5, 30, 10, 8]
Extracted minimum: 3
Heap after extracting the minimum:
[5, 8, 30, 10]

Implement a Binary Heap in Java

A Binary Heap is a Data Structure that takes the form of a binary tree but it is implemented by using an Array. It is primarily used to efficiently manage a collection of elements with priority-based operations like priority queue we have two types of binary heaps namely Min Heap and Max Heap.

Basically, the Min-Heap ensures the smallest element in the list is at the root, whereas the Max-Heap places the largest element at the root.

Organization of a Binary Heap:

The Binary Heap is completely a Binary Tree, Meaning that all levels are fully filled except perhaps the last which is filled from left to right. This Structure allows binary heaps to be efficiently implemented in an array. And Given an index at i.

  • The Parent node is at index (i-2)/2
  • The left child is at index 2* i + 1
  • The left child is at index 2* i + 2

These relationship allow easily navigation between parent and child nodes without needing additional reference, ensuring efficient operations.

Basic Operations with Time and Space Complexity





Add the new element to the end of the tree.
Restore the heap property by heapifying up and swapping newly added element with Its parent if needed.

Time Complexity O(log n) where n is the number of elements in the heap.

Extract Min or Max for max-heap:

Replace the root with the last element in the heap.
Restore the heap property by heapifying down swapping with the smaller or larger child to maintain the property.

Time Complexity O(log n).

Peek (Get Min or Max)

Return the root element without modifying the heap

Time Complexity is O(1)


Given an array transform it into a heap

Time Complexity is O(n)

Space Complexity:

The space complexity is O(n) and since the data is stored in an array of size proportional to the number of elements

Binary Heap Implementation

The Binary Heap is implemented by using an Array, with operations like insertion and deletion designed to maintain the heap invariant property This property varies based on heap type.

  • In a Min-Heap, each parent node is smaller than its children
  • In a Max-Heap, each parent node is larger than its children

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