Promoting Factors of Moral Policing

There can be many factors for Promoting Moral Policing but the main factors are the following :

Promoting Factors

About the factors




Culture gives a person a unique identity. It is a thing that a community or bunch of communities feels like they are connected. Some people may worry that the outside influence can harm or destroy their cultural values and traditions.


Strong Beliefs

If in a community of people in everyone belives in the same thing and are very attached with their traditional values and for that reason some might try to force others to follow them too.


Fear of Change

People who don’t like to adapt new things fast they might can try to stop others to follow it and wanted to keep the things in tradition the same way.


Not accepting Everyone

People heaving fear of outsider influence effect in their tradition and culture .Not everyone in this world or community is welcoming to different people .


Controlling Women

In some religions there are strict rules that need to be followed by the man and women that directly effect their way of living life , limited choices and have to take permissions.



Politicians use moral policing as a tool to change and manipulate and have control over peoples to gain or stay in Power.


Social Media

Pople can use it judge and demen others over their selective choice and thoughts on different things and it is a type of moral policing in it self .

Moral Policing – Meaning, Promoting Factors, & More

Moral Policing is a term that means people as Individuals or groups force their moral codes and laws on others over their belief of truth and way of living life. It can be seen everywhere anywhere if you see differentiation there will be Moral Policing. It is based on the ideas of religious belief, and cultural practices or sometimes even based on laws, rules, and regulations. In most cases, moral policing is aimed towards having a good society where pure cultural and religious practices are not polluted by any foreign influences. 

In this article, we will learn about Moral Policing and Rules on Moral Policing in India.

Moral Policing

Table of Content

  • Promoting Factors of Moral Policing
  • Moral Policing – Manifastation
  • Different Ways to Overcome Moral Policing
  • List of Cases in India Related to Moral Policing
  • Government Laws and Initiatives Associated with Moral Policing 

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Moral Policing – Manifastation

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Different Ways to Overcome Moral Policing

Educate people and especially youth about thier fundamental rights like freedom of expression, of speech and privacy.This will empoer them to defend themselves from the molesters . Encourage indiduals to report the instances of moral policing to movement authorities and file complaint aginst them . Promote the moral policing campaign in schools and colleges to educate the young generation about the moral policing and how to deal with it. Collaborate with the paper ,print, digital media and infuencers to spread awareness about the moral policing cases and incidents . Every community should promote welcoming acceptance and respect for different lifestyles ,choices and beliefs with in society....

Laws related to Moral Policing

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List of Cases in India Related to Moral Policing

The courts of India after many hearings on Moral Policing cases the courts have always condemned Moral Policig because It is against the Law and they recognised it as a violation of fundamental rights that are given to every citizen of India in the Indian Constitution. One of the Rights is Freedom of Expression which says that expressing yourself freely through choices, clothes and behaviour is right until and unless you harm anyone with any of these rights . Courts have ordered law enforcement and other government bodies to take strict actions against the individuals or groups involved in Moral Policing....

Government Laws and Initiatives Associated with Moral Policing

Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 293: Prohibits selling and distributing pornographic materials to people under 20. Similarly, this section can be misused for moral policing beyond its intended purpose. Section 354: Punishes assault or use of criminal force on any person with intent to outrage her modesty. This section can be applied in cases of physical harassment during moral policing incidents. Section 506: Punishes criminal intimidation. This section can be used against individuals threatening or harming others in the name of moral policing. Article Article 19: Guarantees freedom of speech and expression, which encompasses individual choices regarding personal behaviour and expression as long as they don’t harm others. Article 21: Protects the right to life and liberty, which includes the freedom to make personal choices and live one’s life without undue interference. Article 25: Ensures freedom of conscience and the right to practice and propagate one’s religion, which protects individuals from discrimination or harassment based on their religious beliefs....

Promoting Factors of Moral Policing

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Moral Policing is a term that means people as Individuals or groups force their moral codes and laws on others over their belief of truth and way of living life. It is based on the ideas of religious belief, and cultural practices or sometimes even based on laws, rules and regulations. In most cases, moral policing is aimed towards having a good society where pure cultural and religious practices are not polluted by any foreign influences. The courts of India after many hearings on Moral Policing cases the courts have always condemned Moral Policig because It is against the Law and they recognised it as a violation of fundamental rights that are given to every citizen of India in the Indian Constitution....

Moral Policing – FAQs

Is Moral Policing Punishable?...