Properties of AMI

  • A template for the root volume for the instance (for example, an operating system, an application server, and applications)    
  • Launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch instances.
  • A block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance when it’s launched

When you want to use AMI, select the following characteristics:-  

  • Regions
  • Permission for launching AMI 
  • Operating System 
  • Root device Storage   
  • Architecture 

What is Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?Pricing Of AMI

An Amazon Machine Image is a special type of virtual appliance that is used to instantiate (create) a virtual machine within EC2. It serves as the basic unit of deployment for services delivered using EC2. Whenever you want to launch an instance, you need to specify AMI. To launch instances, you can also use different AMIs. If you want to launch multiple instances from a single AMI,  then you need multiple instances of the same configuration.

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Properties of AMI

A template for the root volume for the instance (for example, an operating system, an application server, and applications)     Launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch instances. A block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance when it’s launched...

Use an AMI

You can create your own customized AMI from an existing ec2-instance with the help of snapshots. After creating a snapshot you create a new ec2-instance by using the existing one know the new instance is the copy of an existing instance with all the required data in it. You can search for an AMI that meets the criteria for your new instance and you can use that instance to create a new instance as shown in the following figure....

Why do We Need AMI?

Let us suppose that we want to launch 5 servers with the same configuration. One way of doing that would be to launch a new EC2 instance every time and install the required packages every time. While the other way of doing it would be to configure your EC2 instance once and then create an image of that instance. Using that image you can deploy four more EC2 servers....

Steps To Create your own AMI

Step 1: Click on the launch instance button on the AWS management console....

AMI Types

The AMIs are mainly divided into four types as mentioned below:...

Buy, share, and sell AMIs

If you created a customized AMI according to your needs for the organization if it is highly confidential you can keep that AMI in private or if it can be shared with the public you can keep it in the community so others can use it....

Types of EC2-Instances

There are different types of EC2-Instances types which are defined for certain use cases and unique requirements for different workloads and different applications depending on your use cases like depending on the computing, memory, or storage you required. for more read Amazon EC2 – Instance Types...

Advantages Of Amazon EC2

Highly scalable: Amazon ec-2 instance will allow you to scale your infrastructure very easily and highly. You can increase and decrease the memory and CPU whenever you required depending upon the traffic. Highly available: Amazon ec2-instance is highly available because you can configure it multiple availability zones and if there is a failure in one zone you can automatically access the infrastructure which is available in another zone. Integration: You can integrate ec2-instance with multiple aws resources which are available in AWS such as S3, Autoscaling group, Load Balancing, RDS, and so on. EC2-Instance is secure: Ec2-instance is more secure because it can be integrated with VPC (virtual private cloud). ec2 can be configured in multiple private subnets where it is very hard to penetrate into it. Global Infrastructure: Amazon ec2-instance is available in multiple regions and multiple zones by which you can deploy your applications near to your users which will decrease the latency and improves the performance of the application....

FAQs On Amzon Machine Image (AMI)

1. What is an AMI stands for?...