Properties of Bipartite Graphs

  • Two-Colorability: Bipartite graphs can be colored using two colors such that no two adjacent nodes have the same color.
  • No Odd Cycles: A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd-length cycles.
  • Matching and Covering: Bipartite graphs are central to the theory of matching and covering in graph theory, which has applications in resource allocation and scheduling.

Bipartite Graphs in Python

Bipartite graphs are a special type of graph where the nodes can be divided into two distinct sets, with no edges connecting nodes within the same set. Every edge connects a node from the first set to a node in the second set.

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Properties of Bipartite Graphs:

Two-Colorability: Bipartite graphs can be colored using two colors such that no two adjacent nodes have the same color.No Odd Cycles: A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd-length cycles.Matching and Covering: Bipartite graphs are central to the theory of matching and covering in graph theory, which has applications in resource allocation and scheduling....

Implementation of Bipartite Graphs in Python:

Class Definition: Define the BipartiteGraph class.Graph Initialization: Initialize the graph with two sets of vertices and an adjacency list.Add Edges: Method to add edges between vertices of the two sets.Check Bipartiteness: Method to check if a graph is bipartite.Display: Method to display the graph....