Properties of Dielectric Polarisation

Alignment of Electric Dipoles: Dielectric polarization involves the alignment of electric dipoles within the material in response to an external electric field. These dipoles can be induced, permanent, or a combination of both.

Opposing Electric Field: The alignment of dipoles creates an internal electric field that opposes the external electric field. This opposing field weakens the overall electric field within the dielectric material.

Dielectric Constant: The dielectric constant (also known as relative permittivity) of a material quantifies its ability to polarize in response to an electric field. It is the ratio of the electric displacement field to the electric field applied to the material.

Types of Polarization: There are different mechanisms through which polarization can occur in dielectric materials, including electronic polarization, ionic polarization, and orientation polarization.

Electronic Polarization: In electronic polarization, the displacement of electrons within atoms or molecules contributes to the polarization of the material. This occurs primarily in covalently bonded materials.

Dielectrics and Polarisation

Have you noticed how many of the insulators are made of wood, plastic, or glass? But why is that? When we utilise wood or plastic, why don’t we receive electric shocks? Why do you only get severe shocks from metal wires? We’ll look at dielectrics, polarisation, the dielectric constant, and more in this chapter. We’ll look at some typical applications and examples of these dielectrics as well.

Table of Content

  • What is a Dielectric?
  • Classification of Dielectrics
  • Induced Electric Dipole Moment
  • Electric Polarization
  • Dielectric Polarization
  • Sample Questions

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