Properties of Liquids

The properties of liquids are mentioned below:


The process of converting a liquid into its vapour is known as Evaporation.

A liquid’s molecules are in a continual state of motion and have kinetic energy, but not all molecules have the same kinetic energy. Its value might range from very low to very high. As a result, those molecules existing at the liquid’s surface with a greater kinetic energy value will overcome the attraction forces and escape into space above the liquid surface, appearing as vapours. 

Factors Affecting Rate of Evaporation

  • Nature of the liquid-The rate of evaporation is determined by intermolecular attraction forces. The lower the rate of evaporation, the bigger the magnitude of forces.
  • Temperature- The rate of evaporation increases as the temperature rises.
  • Surface area- The rate of evaporation will be faster if the surface area is larger.

Vapour Pressure

The vapour pressure is the pressure exerted by vapours in equilibrium with the liquid at a certain temperature. It arises only as a result of the kinetic phenomenon and is hence unaffected by the amount of liquid present. It is mostly determined by the liquid’s temperature.

Factors Affecting Vapour Pressure

  • Nature of the Liquid- The magnitude of the liquid’s intermolecular forces determines the vapour pressure. When these forces are modest, the molecules easily convert to vapour, resulting in a high equilibrium vapour pressure. If these forces are substantial, however, the molecules will not convert into vapours, and the vapour pressure will be relatively low.
  • The temperature of the Liquid- The vapour pressure of a liquid rises as the average kinetic energy rises with the rise in temperature.

Boiling Point of Liquids

The temperature at which a liquid’s vapour pressure equals the surrounding air pressure is known as the boiling point. As a result, the boiling point is the result of increased vapour pressure rather than the heating process.

Factors Affecting the Boiling Point

  • Pressure:
    • The boiling point of the liquid is lower than the standard boiling point when the pressure is less than 1 atm.
    • The boiling point of a liquid is known as the normal boiling point when it is equal to 1 atm.
    • The boiling point of the liquid is higher than its normal boiling point when the pressure is more than 1 atm.
  • Type of Molecules: If the intermolecular forces between the molecules are-
    • Relatively high, the boiling point will likewise be relatively high.
    • Relatively low, the boiling point will be low as well.

Surface Tension of Liquids

The molecules in a liquid are subjected to the same intermolecular force from all sides, but molecules on the liquid’s surface behave differently than those in the interior. Because of the inward pull of the molecules, the molecules on the liquid’s surface experience tension. This is called Surface tension

The inward attraction tends to contract the liquid’s surface. As a result, the surface takes on the characteristics of a stretched membrane.

Factors Affecting Surface Tension of Liquids

  • The temperature of the liquid- As the temperature rises, the surface tension falls. This is because when the temperature rises, the kinetic energy rises, resulting in a decrease in intermolecular forces of attraction and, as a result, a drop in surface tension.
  • Nature of the liquid- The surface tension of a liquid is determined by the intermolecular forces of attraction existing in its molecules. The larger the magnitude of force, the higher the surface tension value.


The liquids do not all move at the same rate. Water, alcohol, kerosene, oil, and other liquids flow quickly, while honey, glycerol, castor oil, and other liquids flow slowly. As a result, viscosity can be described as a liquid’s internal resistance to flow.

Different intermolecular forces of attraction exist in different liquids, resulting in internal resistance. When these forces are strong, the liquid becomes more viscous, and when they are weak, the fluid becomes less viscous.

When a liquid flows, the layer of liquid in direct touch with the surface remains motionless; as the distance from the fixed surface increases, the layers’ velocity increases. Laminated flow is a type of flow in which the velocity varies in a regular pattern. The layer immediately below seeks to slow down the velocity, while the layer above accelerates it.

Coefficient of Viscosity

The force required to maintain flow in these three layers is determined by two variables: the area in contact (A) and the velocity gradient du/dx.

The velocity gradient is given by the quantity of du/dx when the velocity of the layer at a distance dx is varied by a value du. To keep the layers flowing, some force is required.

Force (f) ∝ (A)

Force (f) ∝ du/dx

Force (f) ∝ A × du/dx=ηA x du/dx

Hence, η is called the coefficient of viscosity.

The force applied per unit area to maintain a unit relative velocity between the two layers of a liquid at a unit distance can be characterized as the viscosity coefficient.

Factors Influencing Viscosity of Liquids

  • Temperature – The viscosity of a liquid decreases as the temperature rises.
  • Nature of liquid – Viscosity is higher in liquids with a stronger intermolecular force of attraction.
  • Molecular mass – The molecular mass of a substance increases its viscosity.

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Liquid State of Matter

Liquids state is one of the three states of matter characterized by its ability to the flow and expands to fill their container while maintaining a constant volume. Unlike solids, which have a fixed shape and volume and gases, which expand to fill their container but don’t have a fixed shape or volume, on the other hand, liquids have a definite volume but take on the shape of their container.

In this article, we will learn in detail about the liquid state of matter, its characteristics, and other related facts.

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Characteristics of Liquids

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Properties of Liquids

The properties of liquids are mentioned below:...

FAQs on Liquid State of Matter

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