Properties of `MemoryRouter`

  • `initialEntries`

The `initialEntries` property in `MemoryRouter` allows you to specify an array of initial URL paths when the router is first rendered. Each path in this array represents a location within the virtual memory history of the router. By default, if `initialEntries` is not provided, it defaults to [“/”] (a single entry at the root URL` /`).

<MemoryRouter initialEntries={['/', '/about', '/contact']} initialIndex={0}>
  {/* Routes */}
  • `initialIndex`

The `initialIndex` property in `MemoryRouter` specifies the index of the active entry (URL path) within the `initialEntries` array when the router is first rendered. If `initialIndex` is not provided, it defaults to the last index of `initialEntries`.

<MemoryRouter initialEntries={['/', '/about', '/contact']} initialIndex={1}>
  {/* Routes */}

Example 2: Below example demonstrates the usage of different properties in MemoryRouter.

// src/App.js
import React from 'react';
import { MemoryRouter, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

const Step1 = ({ nextStep }) => {
  const handleNext = () => {

  return (
      <h2>Step 1: Personal Information</h2>
      <button onClick={handleNext}>Next</button>

const Step2 = ({ prevStep, nextStep }) => {
  const handlePrev = () => {

  const handleNext = () => {

  return (
      <h2>Step 2: Address Information</h2>
      <button onClick={handlePrev}>Previous</button>
      <button onClick={handleNext}>Next</button>

const Step3 = ({ prevStep }) => {
  const handlePrev = () => {

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    alert('Form submitted successfully!');

  return (
      <h2>Step 3: Review and Submit</h2>
      <button onClick={handlePrev}>Previous</button>
      <button onClick={handleSubmit}>Submit</button>

const App = () => {
  const nextStep = (path) => {
    window.location.href = path;

  const prevStep = (path) => {
    window.location.href = path;

  return (
    <MemoryRouter initialEntries={['/step1']} initialIndex={0}>
          <Route path="/step1" element={<Step1 nextStep={nextStep} />} />
          <Route path="/step2" element={<Step2 prevStep={prevStep} nextStep={nextStep} />} />
          <Route path="/step3" element={<Step3 prevStep={prevStep} />} />

export default App;



Explain MemoryRouter in concept of React Router

In React applications, routing is a crucial aspect that enables navigation between different components based on the URL. React Router is a popular library used for managing routing in React applications. One of the components provided by React Router is `MemoryRouter`, which offers a unique way to handle routing without manipulating the browser’s URL.


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Properties of `MemoryRouter`
