Properties of Minimum Spanning Tree

  • A minimum spanning tree connects all the vertices in the graph, ensuring that there is a path between any pair of nodes.
  • An MST is acyclic, meaning it contains no cycles. This property ensures that it remains a tree and not a graph with loops.
  • An MST with V vertices (where V is the number of vertices in the original graph) will have exactly V – 1 edges, where V is the number of vertices.
  • An MST is optimal for minimizing the total edge weight, but it may not necessarily be unique.
  • The cut property states that if you take any cut (a partition of the vertices into two sets) in the original graph and consider the minimum-weight edge that crosses the cut, that edge is part of the MST.

Minimum Spanning Tree of a Graph may not be Unique:

Like a spanning tree, there can also be many possible MSTs for a graph as shown in the below image:

Spanning Tree

In this article, we are going to cover one of the most commonly asked DSA topic which is the Spanning Tree with its definition, properties, and applications. Moreover, we will explore the Minimum Spanning Tree and various algorithms used to construct it. These algorithms have various pros and cons over each other depending on the use case of the problem.

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Properties of a Spanning Tree:

A Spanning tree does not exist for a disconnected graph.For a connected graph having N vertices then the number of edges in the spanning tree for that graph will be N-1.A Spanning tree does not have any cycle.We can construct a spanning tree for a complete graph by removing E-N+1 edges, where E is the number of Edges and N is the number of vertices.Cayley’s Formula: It states that the number of spanning trees in a complete graph with N vertices is For example: N=4, then maximum number of spanning tree possible = = 16 (shown in the above image)....

Real World Applications of A Spanning Tree:

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Minimum Spanning Tree(MST):

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Properties of Minimum Spanning Tree:

A minimum spanning tree connects all the vertices in the graph, ensuring that there is a path between any pair of nodes.An MST is acyclic, meaning it contains no cycles. This property ensures that it remains a tree and not a graph with loops.An MST with V vertices (where V is the number of vertices in the original graph) will have exactly V – 1 edges, where V is the number of vertices.An MST is optimal for minimizing the total edge weight, but it may not necessarily be unique.The cut property states that if you take any cut (a partition of the vertices into two sets) in the original graph and consider the minimum-weight edge that crosses the cut, that edge is part of the MST....

Algorithms to Find Minimum Spanning Tree of a Graph:

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1. Krushkal’s Minimum Spanning Tree:

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2. Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree:

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3. Boruvka’s Algorithm:

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4. Reverse-Delete Algorithm:

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Real World Application of A Minimum Spanning Tree:

Network design: Spanning trees can be used in network design to find the minimum number of connections required to connect all nodes. Minimum spanning trees, in particular, can help minimize the cost of the connections by selecting the cheapest edges.Image processing: Spanning trees can be used in image processing to identify regions of similar intensity or color, which can be useful for segmentation and classification tasks.Social network analysis: Spanning trees and minimum spanning trees can be used in social network analysis to identify important connections and relationships among individuals or groups....