Properties of Oxalic Acid

Basic properties of the Oxalic acid is added in the table below,

Chemical Formula


Molecular Weight

90.03 g/mol


1.90 cm3


White Crystals

Melting Point

190 °C (approx)


Colorless Solution

All the properties of Oxalic Acid are divided into two parts,

  • Physical Properties of Oxalic Acid
  • Chemical Properties of Oxalic Acid

Now let’s learn about them in detail.

Physical Properties of Oxalic Acid

The physical properties of oxalic acid are,

  • The molar mass of oxalic acid is 90 g/mol and for the hydrated oxalic acid molar mass is 126 g/mol. 
  • Its Density is 1.90 g/cm3
  • Its Melting points vary from 1890°C to 1910°C.
  • It appears as a white crystal and smells odorless.
  • It forms a colourless solution in water.
  • Its heat capacity is 91.0 J·mol-1·K-1

Chemical Properties of Oxalic Acid

The chemical properties of oxalic acid are,

  • For oxalic acid, the valence coefficient is 2. 
  • It readily reacts with typical carboxylic acids to form acid chlorides and ester derivatives. 
  • Oxalic acid is highly toxic and therefore harmful. Inhalation can cause serious damage to mucous membranes and the respiratory tract. Also, symptoms such as cough, and wheezing are one of the symptoms of this. It is also toxic if swallowed and can cause kidney failure.
  • When oxalic acid reacts with Potassium Manganate(VII), get dissociates as:

2MnO4 + 5C2H2O4 + 6H3O+   →   2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 14H2O

  • The reaction of oxalic acid with concentrated sulphuric acid is given by,

 C2H2O4 + H2SO4 (conc.)  →  CO + CO2 + H2O

Can We Eat Oxalic Acid?

Oxalic acid is a naturally occurring compound in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. While small amounts of oxalic acid are not harmful.

Oxalic Acid

Oxalic acid is a dicarboxylic acid having chemical formula C2H2O4. It is called as Ethanedioic acid. Oxalic acid is found in many vegetables and plants. It is the simplest dicarboxylic acid having HOOC-COOH and has an acidic strength greater than acetic acid.

In this article, we will learn about, the Oxalic Acid Formula, Equivalent Weight of Oxalic Acid, Structure of Oxalic Acid, Properties of Oxalic Acid, Preparation of Oxalic Acid, and others, in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Oxalic Acid?
  • Oxalic Acid Formula
  • Oxalic Acid Structure(C2H2O4)
  • Preparation of Oxalic Acid(C2H2O4)
  • Properties of Oxalic Acid
  • Oxalic Acid Uses

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