Properties of Particles (Matter)

Matter as the name suggests should contain mass and occupy space.

  • The particles are rigid objects having definite mass and occupy the space.
  • Unlike the waves which are distributed, around the space, the particles are localized, and they occupy a definite position.
  • The particles have intrinsic energy that is their mass, given by E=mc2
  • Every matter is composed of the elementary particles in two groups, the first are fermions and the second are bosons.
  • Fermions are mass-providing particles and bosons are the force-carrying particles.
  • When the matter particle interacts with another matter particle it transfers both energies as well as momentum to the colliding particle. During the collision the conservation laws both ( momentum conservation and energy conservation are followed).
  • Matter also affects the curvature of space-time, by curving the space-time, the more the mass of the object the more it bends the space-time.
  • The matter particles are also, affected by the gravitational field.

Example: What is the energy associated with the particle having a mass of 1kg?


Given Mass = 1kg 

since we know the mass-energy formula,

E = mc2

E = 1×(3×108)2

E = 9×1016 joule

Wave Particle Duality

Waves are things that do not have a definite position we can not specify a definite position to waves they are spread across space, but they have an oscillating field. waves can be of many forms they only differ in what is actually oscillating examples of waves includes sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and water waves. in the case of sound waves the oscillating medium is the air molecules around, this is the reason why in space you can not talk. because there is no air in space. and in electromagnetic waves, the oscillating fields are electric and magnetic fields, and in the case of water waves, the water itself is an oscillating field.

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