Properties of Solar Cell

  • Solar Cell is able to convert light energy into electricity.
  • Solar Cell higher efficiency and it can convert using Photovoltaic Effect.
  • Solar Cell has more durability and resistance to environmental conditions.
  • Solar Cells provide long-term performance and has higher life span.
  • Solar Cells has no maintenance cost.

Solar Cell

A Solar Cell is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy using the photovoltaic effect. A solar cell is also known as a photovoltaic cell(PV cell). A solar cell is made up of two types of semiconductors, one is called the p-type silicon layer and the n-type silicon layer. So Solar cell is a p-n junction diode.

The solar energy from the sun in the form of photons creates loose electrons on the n-type semiconductor and holes on the p-type semiconductor. These loose electrons are collected on the aluminum layer and start flowing thus resulting in an electric current.

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Solar Cell

A solar cell is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy using the photovoltaic effect. It is also known as a Photovoltaic cell....

Primary Key Terminologies of Solar Cell

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Properties of Solar Cell

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Construction of Solar Cell

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Solar cell is a device which converts light energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic effect. we have seen the key terminologies and properties of solar cell. we have gone through the working and construction of solar cell. There are three different types of solar cells, we have learned the types of solar cells and applications of solar cells and their uses and we have seen their advantages and disadvantages of solar cell, we have explored the applications using solar cells. Finally we can learn that solar cells play an important role in maintaining the sustainable environment and eco-friendly environment. Solar cells are becoming more popular and efficient and is used in residential home or commercial residence and industrial applications in our daily life....

FAQs on Solar Cell

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