Properties of Square Numbers

Various properties of square number are listed as follows:

Square Numbers Symbol

  • Symbol of Square is Superscript 2, such as n2

Odd Square and Even Square

  • Square of odd number is always an odd number, and square of even number is always an odd numbers. Example: 42 = 16 (even), 32 = 9 (odd).
  • Sum of Consecutive Odd Numbers: Sum of first n odd numbers is equal to n2.
  • Square Roots: Square root of a square number are always integers. For example, √16 = 4

Why are They Called ‘Square’ Numbers?

Square numbers are square numbers because they are square of various integers, such as, 122 = 144 and (-9)2 = 81.

Square Numbers

Square Numbers are the product of a number multiplied by itself. These are fundamental to mathematics. In this article, we will explain Square Numbers, Give Examples, List of Square Numbers from 1 to 100, Why are they called Square Numbers and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Square Number?
  • List of Square Numbers
  • Perfect Square Numbers from 1 to 100
  • Odd and Even Square Numbers
  • List of Square Numbers (1 to 50)
  • Properties of Square Numbers

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