Purpose of NgModule Decorator

  • Modularity: One of the primary purposes of the NgModule decorator is to provide modularity within Angular applications. Modules allows to group related components, directives, pipes, and services together, making it easier to manage and maintain code.
  • Encapsulation: NgModule enables encapsulation by defining boundaries between different parts of the application. Each module has its own scope, and components, services, and other elements defined within a module are encapsulated and not visible to other modules by default that prevents naming conflicts and promoting code isolation.
  • Dependency Injection Configuration: NgModule provides a mechanism for configuring dependency injection within Angular applications. By specifying providers at the module level, You can ensure that services are available for injection throughout the module and its components.
  • Bootstrapping: The bootstrap property in NgModule is used to specify the root component of the application. This tells Angular which component to bootstrap when the application starts, serving as the entry point of the application’s component tree.
  • Compilation and Optimization: Angular’s compiler uses information provided by NgModule decorators to compile templates, optimize performance, and generate efficient code bundles for deployment. NgModule helps Angular optimize the application’s loading time and runtime performance.

Purpose of NgModule Decorator in Angular

The NgModule decorator in Angular is like a blueprint for organizing and configuring different parts of your application. It’s like a set of instructions that tells Angular how to assemble the various components, directives, pipes, and services into cohesive units called modules. These modules help in managing dependencies, defining routing rules, and configuring providers.

Essentially, the NgModule decorator serves as a central hub for defining and organizing the building blocks of an Angular application, making it easier to develop, maintain, and scale complex web applications.

Table of Content

  • Features of NgModules
  • Purpose of NgModule Decorator

Angular NgModules are also classes with ‘@NgModule’ and it has metadata that describes how the different parts of the application will work together. Like javascript modules have their own files but NgModule does not have their own file, they only include metadata. it also helps to organize the components and services of the angular application.


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

declarations: [ /* Components, directives, and pipes */],
imports: [ /* Other modules */],
exports: [ /* Exports of this module */],
providers: [ /* Services */],
bootstrap: [ /* Root component */]

export class MyNgModule { }

Here, declarations is the array of components, directives, and pipes that belong to this module, imports is the array of other modules that this module depends on, exports is the array of declarations that should be visible and accessible to components in other modules, providers are the array of services available for injection within this module and bootstrap is the array containing the root component(s) to bootstrap when this module is loaded.

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Features of NgModules:

Encapsulation: NgModule provides encapsulation by encapsulating components, directives, and pipes within a module, preventing naming conflicts and promoting modularity.Dependency Injection: NgModule facilitates dependency injection by allowing the registration of providers at the module level, making services available throughout the module and its components.Lazy Loading: NgModule supports lazy loading, enabling the loading of modules on-demand, thus improving application performance and reducing initial load times.Reusability: NgModule promotes code reusability by allowing modules to be imported into multiple feature modules, facilitating code organization and sharing across the application....

Purpose of NgModule Decorator

Modularity: One of the primary purposes of the NgModule decorator is to provide modularity within Angular applications. Modules allows to group related components, directives, pipes, and services together, making it easier to manage and maintain code.Encapsulation: NgModule enables encapsulation by defining boundaries between different parts of the application. Each module has its own scope, and components, services, and other elements defined within a module are encapsulated and not visible to other modules by default that prevents naming conflicts and promoting code isolation.Dependency Injection Configuration: NgModule provides a mechanism for configuring dependency injection within Angular applications. By specifying providers at the module level, You can ensure that services are available for injection throughout the module and its components.Bootstrapping: The bootstrap property in NgModule is used to specify the root component of the application. This tells Angular which component to bootstrap when the application starts, serving as the entry point of the application’s component tree.Compilation and Optimization: Angular’s compiler uses information provided by NgModule decorators to compile templates, optimize performance, and generate efficient code bundles for deployment. NgModule helps Angular optimize the application’s loading time and runtime performance....

Steps to create app:

Step 1: Create a new Angular project...