Python Complex

A complex number is a number that consists of real and imaginary parts. For example, 2 + 3j is a complex number where 2 is the real component, and 3 multiplied by j is an imaginary part.

Example 1: Creating Complex and checking type

num = 6 + 9j



<class 'complex'>

Example 2: Performing arithmetic operations on complex type

a = 1 + 5j
b = 2 + 3j

# Addition
c = a + b

d = 1 + 5j
e = 2 - 3j

# Subtraction
f = d - e

g = 1 + 5j
h = 2 + 3j

# Division
i = g / h

j = 1 + 5j
k = 2 + 3j

# Multiplication
l = j * k


Addition: (3+8j)
Subtraction: (-1+8j)
Division: (1.307692307692308+0.5384615384615384j)
Multiplication: (-13+13j)

Python Numbers

In Python, “Numbers” is a category that encompasses different types of numeric data. Python supports various types of numbers, including integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers. Here’s a brief overview of each:

Table of Content

  • Python Integer
  • Python Float
  • Python Complex
  • Type Conversion in Python
  • Decimal Numbers in Python

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