Python Multilevel Inheritance

Multilevel Inheritance in Python is a type of Inheritance in which a class inherits from a class, which itself inherits from another class. It allows a class to inherit properties and methods from multiple parent classes, forming a hierarchy similar to a family tree. It consists of two main aspects:

  • Base class: This represents a broad concept.
  • Derived classes: These inherit from the base class and add specific traits.

Diagram for Multilevel Inheritance in Python

Multilevel Inheritance in Python

Below are some of the examples by which we can understand more about multilevel inheritance in Python:

Example 1: Simple Multilevel Inheritance

In this method, we have three different classes that is Base, Intermediate and derived, and we have inherited the feature of Base to Intermediate and then the feature of Intermediate to derived class.


class Base:
    # Constructor to set Data
    def __init__(self, name, roll, role): = name
        self.roll = roll
        self.role = role
# Intermediate Class: Inherits the Base Class
class Intermediate(Base):
    # Constructor to set age
    def __init__(self, age, name, roll, role):
        super().__init__(name, roll, role)
        self.age = age
# Derived Class: Inherits the Intermediate Class
class Derived(Intermediate):
    # Method to Print Data
    def __init__(self, age, name, roll, role):
        super().__init__(age, name, roll, role)
    def Print_Data(self):
        print(f"The Name is : {}")
        print(f"The Age is : {self.age}")
        print(f"The role is : {self.role}")
        print(f"The Roll is : {self.roll}")
# Creating Object of Base Class
obj = Derived(21, "Lokesh Singh", 25, "Software Trainer")
# Printing the data with the help of derived class


The Name is : Lokesh Singh
The Age is : 21
The role is : Software Trainer
The Roll is : 25

Example 2: Multilevel Inheritance with Method Overriding

In this method, we have three different class and we have a method in the Intermediate class which we are going to Override in the derived class with the help of Multilevel Inheritance.


class Shape:
    def area(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must Implement area()")
class Rectangle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, length, width):
        self.width = width
        self.length = length
    def area(self):
        print(f"The Area of Rectangle is {self.length*self.width}")
class Square(Rectangle):
    def __init__(self, side):
        super().__init__(side, side)
    def area(self):
        print(f"The Area of Rectangle is {self.length ** 2}")
# Creating Objects of class
Rect = Rectangle(3, 4)
my_sqre = Square(4)


The Area of Rectangle is 12
The Area of Rectangle is 16

Multilevel Inheritance in Python

Python is one of the most popular and widely used Programming Languages. Python is an Object Oriented Programming language which means it has features like Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Abstraction. In this article, we are going to learn about Multilevel Inheritance in Python.


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Python Multilevel Inheritance

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